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Comment Whip me, beat me. Mod me down. (Score 2, Insightful) 205

As a SENIOR staff member @55, it "resemble" that remark! IBM use to promote work at home, home at work. Don't know if they still do. More lip service anyway. My advice is not to get too chummy (overtly) at the work place, making it too family oriented is not all good. Keep the work professional and "on task" keeps folk as better more productive workers and happier, of all age mixes. Yes, you can still have fun but your there to your job to do. It also helps to keep the inevitable work place politics to a minimum.

Mexico Wants Payment For Aztec Images 325

innocent_white_lamb writes "Starbucks brought out a line of cups with prehistoric Aztec images on them. Now the government of Mexico wants them to pay for the use of the images. Does the copyright on an image last hundreds of years?"

Comment Re:Read between the lines ... (Score 1) 504

The fact that he's making such misinformed claims in apparent ignorance indicates that he has another agenda, one of which we currently know nothing.
The agenda is control. Information is control. The leaders in information control are based in Beijing. They are called bed fellows.
Murdock is all about massaging the facts to present what he wants others to see, regardless of the truth i.e. Fox News.

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