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Comment Re:Another contributor to productivity invisibilit (Score 1) 597

It is harder to debug than to code. Logically, if you write something as creatively as possible, you are not smart enough to debug it. If you are a smart programmer, your 'clever' code can be so impossible to debug by others that it must be entirely replaced to be corrected. Write legibly and clearly. Your compiler can optimize just fine, as long as you follow the general rules of legibility and reuse of code.

In a world where 2GB of ram on a desktop is standard, it's nothing more than intellectual masturbation to compete on how small a program can be made. You're not designing embedded codes or programming a TRS-80 anymore.

Comment Re:Pro-"Choice" (Score 1) 464

When legalizing an act will result in fewer deaths, it should be a strong incentive to legalize it. (cf. marijuana and alcohol prohibition) Legalizing theft and murder would logically only increase the number of deaths, as businesses would begin hiring violent guards to protect their profits. The same women still have abortions as when it was illegal, but with safe treatments those women now don't die in an alley. Count up the positives, weigh against the negatives, and make allowances for what people will do regardless of the legality.
Robberies and other violent criminal acts also differ from abortion in a very specific way: They affect a separate and whole actualized person. One can argue that an unborn fetus is a whole person, but to do so requires upsetting the whole of legal and societal history for what is essentially a navel-gazing philosophical point.

Comment Re:Pro-"Choice" (Score 5, Insightful) 464

Well, please do invent the absolute worst kinds of inhumane treatment to prove that women must have no control over their own bodies. A shockingly vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester, and if you can make out an expression on a fetus that's less than 12 weeks old, you've got an imagination too vivid to be anonymously yelling on the internet. Of the vanishingly small percentage of abortions that are performed when the baby has passed the normal age of viability, the vast majority of those are performed to save the life of the mother, or to prevent the infant from having a short, brutish, and pointless life. The misogynistic organizations are attacking a strawman that was never relevant in the slightest.

The abuses you've imagined are not because a mother suddenly decided, two weeks before her due date, that she didn't want a baby. Late term abortions are performed to save lives and limit suffering. We find it sane to put down a dog that's been grievously injured, but for some reason ending the suffering of a child born without a brain is some gross unjust cruelty, and you somehow believe that a child cursed to die before their first birthday should be forced to live through a year of brutish suffering, rather than being given the only kindness we have.

Finally, statistics demonstrate that women will still get abortions, regardless of how stringent the theocracy is that you place them under. Legalized abortions mean fewer women die. Which do you want, brassy moral superiority and thousands of women dead, or an unpleasant feeling and those women still alive? That's the only 'choice' offered.

Comment Re:welleee (Score 1) 888

There are people I would kill if I knew I wouldn't face punishment for it. Most of them are public figures whose crimes will never be legally punished.

I genuinely think this mindset is fairly common, and looking at the looting that breaks out every time cops go on strike is only one example of why.

Comment Re:Where does the money go? (Score 2) 138

Acai berry is provably a less potent antioxidant than cheaper and more prevalent foods. Not to mention that antioxidants have no proven benefits. None. Your anecdote notwithstanding, antioxidants are bogus. On the other hand, vitamin D is really fucking important, so taking 0.25mg a day is probably a good idea. There's not much of a link between it and the immune system, but you'll be safe from rickets.
How about the following to protect from illness: Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Get enough rest. Drink lots of fluids. Eat healthy. Exercise a little. Most sick people haven't been doing those, and I can trace every illness I've ever gotten to skipping more than one.
Expensive supplements are a waste of money. Stupid Americans want a miracle pill that doesn't exist...take care of yourself, you pussies!

Comment Re:Go NoScript! (Score 1) 208

It wasn't a stupid mistake. It was a blatantly malicious hijacking of an uninvolved piece of software, and it should have resulted in his being blacklisted across the entire Mozilla site. Instead, he apologized for infecting thousands of computers, and he's re-welcomed with open arms and zero punishment. What prevents him from doing it again, but being even more sneaky about it? Nothing at all.

Even if his contrition is genuine, which I don't doubt, his actions required severe punishment. I'll live with having to manually turn on and off javascript when necessary.

Comment Re:Go NoScript! (Score 1) 208


And there was as much bitch-slapping as ever occurs when any OSS developer does something blindingly stupid. The Internet's huddled masses screamed incoherently at them for a few days, and they realized that they weren't going to get away with it. Many, myself included, vowed to never again let Giorgio Maone's code run on any machine under our control.

Comment Re:Never really thought this needed changing (Score 1) 172

The first entry is not entirely true. Non-root processes are restricted from using low port numbers(1024, iirc). Also, if there's a correctly configured firewall on the machine, a non-root process is incapable of going around it.
Not that it would actually prevent any malware I know of from wreaking havoc, high port numbers are perfectly fine for sending email and talking to bot herders.

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