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Comment Re:Technical details here (Score 1) 162

Yeah, this is really old stuff. I think I saw malware attacks using this at least as early as 1998. I had not done much sockets programming at that point, but once I saw it, I immediately started studying the RFCs, and was like, "hey, neat!"
I think every single IP-address-parsing routine and IP-address-matching-regex I've written since then has always been designed to handle this and tested against every form of it. I really don't understand why there could be any software out there at this point that would have any problems, but I suppose it is arrogant to assume every other programmer has my mindset.
Oh well, I guess that means I can use it as a selling point for my own code, then :-P

Comment Re:You're in for a nasty surprise... (Score 1) 408

Knows a lot? Are you sure? ;)
It has a lot more to do with the pattern of resonance from vocal tract length than base pitch, which is possibly why pitch-shifting the whole spectrum often doesn't seem to change the perceived gender of a voice very well.
Playing with resonance through tongue and larynx positioning and hearing the changes producable in timbre without changing the fundamental pitch is quite fascinating to me, esp. as a clasically-trained singer [among other reasons].
Lynn Conway, one of the key engineers behind VLSI technology, is a transwoman who feminized her voice through careful practice and self-study, according to the above WP link.

Comment Re:Uh yeah... very speedy. (Score 1) 160

Yeah, but the task has to seem /ostensibly/ completable in 60 seconds, or else nobody's heart is really going to be in it for the cool million.
Actually, they should just give the techs a stack of perfboard, some spools of cable, a book of schematics, a huge bucket of NAND and XOR chips, a box of tiny circular ferrite cores, and some wire-wrapping tools. You get a bonus if you get the Unibus timings right on the first try. :-D

Comment Re:Unique among 18100+ (Score 1) 265

Exactly. I enjoy how many sites block the user-agent string for wget. This is easily remedied with tagging --user-agent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; definitely-not-yoo-git)".
Since wget politely will obey robots.txt, though, to do recursive downloading, you really ought to remember to change this compile-time "option" by carefully commenting out the appropriate code. (What?! You're installing a binary you didn't compile yourself?!) ;)

I've always enjoyed randomizing identification information. My /etc/ (in the days of telnet) used to be fed by a daemon that would print login banners from ULTRIX, VMS, SunOS4, BSD 4.3, CRAY Unicos, etc. The automated script kiddie banner-scanners of the day used to have lots of fun with that, let me tell ya.
(sshd's Banner option isn't as flexible, just static text... it's disappointing, because the various gettys always had @ and \ options. I did used to modify my getties to extend those options though, so, I've played with extending my sshd for an field-substituting banner message. For the record, if you're curious about extending OpenSSHd, since it loads the banner file into a static text area at startup: You can have a config-file-rehash or SIGHUP-style routine reload the bannerfile. If you want to do load-average numbers in your banner, you can have the daemon wake up every 60 secs and get that info from /proc or appropriate kcalls for your OS and put them in appropriate static vars. Replace the call to print the banner on connect with something like: alloc larger temp buffer (if fail, bail with an error) and do substitutitions up to the buffer length, ensure NUL-term'd, tell connection-handler code to write that buf, and plan to dealloc when the connection-handler code no longer expects to need to push any more text from that buffer to that accepted sock (the tricky part, iirc from the opensshd code!))

Comment Re:Didn't see that one coming.... (Score 2, Interesting) 83

Yeah... this might be some sort of miscommunication. Mickey Mouse's lawyers might not have really understood the implications of a BSD license. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ptex site disappears, nothing further ever arrives along the lines of open-source code, and Disney's lawyers attempt to find loopholes to get mirrors of the Ptex source taken down.

Disney has always held tight controls over their IP, and while the BSD license gives them a lot of control over what *they* do with Ptex, it gives the community a lot of control over what the *community* does with Ptex, provided any forking coders properly acknowledge the original authors and abide by the set (albeit minimal) of constraints provided by the BSD license.

[Obligatory IANAL, so any groklaw aficianados, feel free to correct, clarify, or serve me with a court-order comprising one Clue Stick (TM).]

Comment Re:nerve growth unsuppressed == tumors? (Score 5, Informative) 128

The research out there on neural regrowth in adults is very interesting, because, yes, the classical empirical evidence is that damaged neurons go into apoptosis and are cleaned up by glial cells.

My girlfriend has atypical trigeminal neuralgia and underwent an unsuccessful microvascular decompression on the brainstem (wherein a venous structure was deconstructed and cauterized, a venule was padded with teflon, and a minor arteriole was resectioned and cauterized), followed by a more-successful partial sensory rhizotomy to resection the nerve in Meckel's cave via a 60% cut that ideally would hit most of the group-C fibers. The outcome of the rhizotomy is interesting, because it seemed to take care of the mandibular nerve pain while leading to a very odd outcome. In the vast, vast majority of partial sensory rhizotomies on cranial nerves (meaning more-or-less the ~99% who do not have the horrid-sounding outcome known as anaesthesia dolorosa), the loss of sensation eventually diminishes, as the nerve undergoes restructuring. There seems to be very little information in popular medical literature on the restructuring process, and as I don't have access to any specialized journals (for neurology, neurosurgery, etc.), I cannot find much information; however, it seems to perhaps involve rapid branching of the dendrites in parallel with apoptosis and glial clean-up of damaged neurons. In >90% of rhizotomies, there is little discomfort during this process. My girlfriend is one of the "lucky few" (and by that I mean that her neurosurgeons, Dr. Sekula and Dr. Jannetta, who himself pioneered microvascular decompression and other techniques for trigeminal neuralgia of both types and various types of hemifacial spasm, at Allegheny General Hospital, said they could not even remember the last time they had seen the effect she is experiencing) to have severe discomfort during the restructuring process. This discomfort is a dysthesia characterized by intense sensations of all types from the cranial nerve. She is experiencing sensations of pressure, nociception, touch, and proprioception in all branches of the trigeminal nerve, meaning not only the major three branches (ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular), but the minor branches out of Meckel's cave as well. In addition to that, she is having branching across into adjacent cranial nerves. These sensations range from moderately intense to maximally intense (meaning she is experiencing at times the same sensations someone would have if their skull was being crushed to pulp, or face was being cut deeply open in many places, etc.), but at least they can be controlled somewhat by extremely high levels of antiseizure medication. Between the sensations and medication, though, she is effectively completely disabled while the nerve undergoes this type of healing. The good news is that her neurosurgeons have never seen, either themselves or in any journals, a case of this that does not resolve when the restructuring reaches its end-stage, which occurs after six to twelve months. The intermediate time, though, is Hell for her. I would love to see more research done on this, as I would be curious to see if various signalling mechanisms are not genetically nominal in the <10% of cranial nerve rhizotomy patients who have this type of post-procedural effect.

Please, let's continue the research on SOCS3 here, and the other research being done out there on the various other known signalling mechanisms.

Comment Re:Default setting... (Score 1) 383

On the hardware locks, I couldn't agree more.

Hardware checks need to be in place, even if that makes more operating training required to recover from common hardware fault conditions.

For any dose above normal, two separate keys should have to be turned, separated in time by 30 minutes (so if a hospital was stupid enough to give the same person both keys, they have a half hour to think). Any dosage above normal should require being entered three times.

People can sleepwalk through their job. If they're doing something potentially dangerous, it's not unreasonable to set up their job so that their environment wakes them up before they make a possible serious mistake.

Comment Re:Think (Score 1) 423

The problem is, if myspace admits "oops, we screwed up, we'll fix it," they mean they'll fix it for the squeaky wheel that complained, not in general. We won't see any reform of policies from this. It'll take a LOT more squeaky wheels for the ideal type of change to occur... it's just not profitable otherwise.

Comment Re:Global climate change is true! (Score 1) 232

Agreed that the GP is using faulty logic. However, "Even if it's not true causing pollution is not good" is something worth studying further.

Oceans fix CO2 and plants metabolize CO2 to O2 (well-known facts). CO2 is a greenhouse gas of sorts (known fact). Humans pump out a not-insignificant amount of CO2 through industrial processes (known fact). Whether we're messing up the climate or not is something we can never really prove, either way; rather, it's a question of whether investing the money in improving industrial processes to be more efficient in their recycling of CO2 production. I think the whole climate change propaganda is missing the point on this.

Comment Re:Analysis of Miguel's article (Score 1) 747

"We have Java, as well as Python and various other languages on Linux for the niche Mono wants to fill."

I like to see open software offer a compatible option for every closed system. This may in many ways be somewhat futile as it's forever chasing something that can never be realized, but that's the flip-side of the point: to keep closed systems on their toes. If there's an open solution for *everything*, even for closed problems, nobody can argue that open software is incapable of helping with closed system X Y or Z.

Comment Re:Where was this class for me? (Score 1) 1021

("Utilize" has a more specific meaning than "use". "Use" means you're just working with something, for better or worse; "utilize" means you're making practical or profitable use of something. Arguably, you could say that any good teacher-student relationship implies that any skill a student uses for the goals of the course is put to *good* use, so "utilize" would be unnecessary complexity; but, maybe the submitter was trying to draw attention to the idea that this wasn't simply a read-stories-for-fun class. True, the usage is a little redundant, still, as using a skill or a strategy implies putting it to good use, unless the usage is implicitly or explicitly stated as bad. I realize "utilize" is drastically overused. Sorry if I'm giving the submitter the benefit of the doubt, but, hey... if you get to nitpick, I get to nitpick, too!)

I've seen some posts suggesting particular authors or stories, and an excellent post suggesting that maybe analyzing the classification of the material would offer more insight and useful long-term experience.
On the first item, please find a couple good short stories by Asimov; he shouldn't be overlooked. On the second item, a detailed literary analysis could encapsulate several goals, and could be done over the length of the course in short segments.
One of my high school literature teachers made us write a literary analysis of a novel with many, many short segments (some sharing no overlap). I found that this gave me a lot of insight into the work of fiction I chose (Philip K. Dick's 'A Scanner Darkly'), in terms of both extrinsic nature of my perception and the deconstruction of the novel's writing, and aspects of the story-world both internal and external to the words on the pages.

For the literary analysis, maybe the students should be prepped within the first few days for their project, and being given the suggestion of thinking carefully about how the project would pan out for several books of their choosing. After a week's thought, they could narrow the books down to ones that would be good to analyze (not necessarily their all-time-favorites, make that clear), and you could review the books and recommend which one of their final groups of choices seemed the best to analyze. This way, the student doesn't get stuck with a crappy (though perhaps still fun) fictional work when trying to do analysis.
To discourage putting things off to the last minute, the project would not need to be a term paper but rather just a coherent study of the book, done in sections. Give the students a few weeks to read the books carefully, after familiarizing them with the types of things they'll need to be watching for. Then, the analysis can be done in stages, presenting the goals of each stage in detail after the last stage has been turned in.
You'd want to avoid long works, since they may need to re-read large parts of the book for each stage. Each stage can also include a paragraph on how that part of the analysis relates to the theme of the course in terms of the book and in terms of the type of analysis itself.

Doing a detailed literary analysis in high school changed the way I read books forever. I have much more appreciation for well-written literature now.

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