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Comment Re:Standard Slashdot Ruby comment form (Score 1) 197

True, the merb folks are a lot better in that regard, and if they succeed in "un-sucking" the greater RoR community that would be awesome. RoR is a nice piece of work, and it does deserve a better "image". One thing that it also needs is for DHH to back away a little because he comes across as some religious sect leader who's trying to convince people that his kool-aid is the best ever because it's fizzy

Comment Re:Standard Slashdot Ruby comment form (Score 3, Insightful) 197

I gave RoR a chance and evaluated it for a while, and while RoR isn't bad, it's community is absolutely terrible. Help is hard to get, and more often than not a simple question leads to 5 people falling over eachother to call you stupid in various degrees, yet they are unable to actually offer any help. A large majority (from what I've seen) of the community can only follow the "hype" and treats the RoR dev team like deities, yet has no idea how to do certain things, how to properly structure and architect software, and responds with vitriol when asked about this.

So instead I stuck to what I know, and have been using Catalyst for my projects. That community is awesome, helpful, knowledgeable and not afraid to help out even for dumb questions.

In short:
RoR: loud, obnoxious, hype followers
Catalyst: quiet, friendly, no hype anywhere (which unfortunately means Catalyst is a bit in the shadows)

Just my 2 cents.

Comment Re:I would switch to postgresSQL in a heartbeat (Score 2, Informative) 279

It is in fact easy to set up and maintain -- it just requires a bit more thinking, mostly to get the authentication and such things working right, but that's a matter of editing a config file. Maintenance wise, PostgreSQL doesn't need much of that, the occasional vacuum and that's it. With auto-vacuum enabled, even that is taken care of.

I used MySQL a lot in the past, and ended up going to PostgreSQL around version 7.3, because I needed the triggers and the views. Never looked back to MySQL, PG might be slower at certain things, but at least I don't end up getting a call at 3am in the morning in the weekend informing me the database crapped itself up again, only to have to wait for myisamchk to go through near 20Gb of data.

Give it a shot and you will be enlightened :)


Why Oracle Can't Easily Kill PostgreSQL 279

ruphus13 writes "Claiming that 'PostgreSQL is a FOSS alternative to MySQL and hence Oracle should be allowed to pursue MySQL' is a specious argument, according to Monty Widenius. He fears that Oracle, or someone else, can easily squash PostgreSQL by just 'buying out' the top 20 developers. The Postgre community has fired back, calling that claim ridiculous. According to the article, 'PostgreSQL as a project is pretty healthy, and shows how vulnerable projects like MySQL are to the winds of change. PostgreSQL could die tomorrow, if a huge group of its contributors dropped out for one reason or another and the remainder of the community didn't take up the slack. But that's exceedingly unlikely. The existing model for PostgreSQL development ensures that no single entity can control it, it can't be purchased, and if someone decides to fork the project, the odds are that the remaining community would be strong enough to continue without a serious glitch.'"

Comment Nothing wrong with having goals (Score 1) 1316

I've been noticing the same trend for a while now, but on the other hand, if someone fresh out of college wants the perks, the travel, the cushy paycheck and so on, that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as they've set that for themselves as a goal to obtain. The problem lies with the bunch that wants to take a shortcut and want that stuff straight from the start. I've seen a few of those during interviews and actually explained that to them as the reason they didn't get the job.

The one I did hire also mentioned that he would like to be part of the team that deals with all the "cool" stuff, that gets to travel, gets company supplied phones and laptops, and gets that cushy paycheck -- except he said that that was a goal he had set for himself, and that he was more than willing to start at the bottom of the ladder - and that as long as the company treated him well, he'd to the same.

The Almighty Buck

Is Free Really the Future of Gaming? 230

TRNick writes "Is the future of gaming more or less free, perhaps funded by advertising or micropayments? A bunch of MMOs have pioneered the way, and now they are being followed by the likes of EA, Sony and id Software, each of which is offering some form of free gaming. But it's not just the big guys. TechRadar talks to a new generation of indie developers who are making names for themselves. 'I make most of my money from sponsors,' says one. 'We're all here because we love making games first and foremost,' says another. But can free games ever make enough money to fund the really ambitious, event games that get the headlines?" While paid games aren't likely to be on their way out any time soon, more and more developers and publishers are experimenting with cheaper pricing, and the results so far seem positive.

Comment Re:I am afraid, there is lack of direction for Rub (Score 1) 226

You're misusing the word "scalable". You probably mean vertical scalability, or performance. And it's not saying we don't know how to build a performant application. It's saying we don't care, because programmer time is more expensive than CPU time. It's simply not worth it to optimize past a certain point.

Which is exactly the attitude that's keeping things from scaling (regardless of whether I'm using this word in it's proper context, sorry, English isn't my native language) -- because you don't care, so why care at all about optimising when well, you can just throw more hardware at it? Sooner or later you'll be spending more on hardware than you are on programmers. Besides, programmers that do not know how to optimise properly should either quit the job or go back to school and study some more.

Citation needed.


Also, you are again talking about vertical scalability. Rails is actually excellent at horizontal scalability, which means, specifically, "Can we throw more servers at it and have it just work?" Not every PHP app can do that. Nor every Python, or Java app. However, unless you do something stupid, every Rails app can be scaled by throwing hardware at it. Keep in mind, you will have to do this at some point. No Amazon, or Myspace, or Google, is going to run off a single server, no matter how massive. They all have to scale horizontally. You have to address that problem sooner or later.

Scaling is scaling, whether it be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal scaling only gets you so far in the long run as well. Then again don't take my word for it but I've seen that same "oh well we'll just throw more hardware at it" solution blow up in some seriously interesting ways.

So, I'm arguing that horizontal scalability is more important than vertical scalability. Horizontal scalability means you can ultimately handle as much traffic as you can find hardware for. Vertical scalability means you save some money on hardware -- that's all.

Vertical scalability also forces you to know what you're doing when it comes to algorithms and such things. I know, I know, I'm probably a horribly oldfashioned cunt by saying it, but really, if you're going to build a car, you might as well build yourself a fast one instead of a 10 ton truck being powered by a 2 stroke 40hp diesel engine and say "well we can always throw more engines in here".

No, it's not, but it's still pretty damned good. Hype does not automatically make something a bad idea. Does anyone remember the hype about AJAX? I think most Rails hype is tame compared to that, but as it turned out, AJAX is pretty useful. It's not the Best Thing Ever, but it's still useful.

I'll admit it's good, but the problem comes from people who blindly follow the hype and will claim that RoR IS the best, and can do it better, and what the hell do us old Perl writing coots know anyway. I don't want to go and compare experience e-peens, but my comments on scalability are based on some interesting observations in the past.

If you can find where I've said Rails is the best thing ever, please, point it out. Otherwise, please try to reply to just my post, not every Rails developer ever.

Did I say you said rails is the best thing ever? I didn't. Why bring it up in the first place?

Comment Re:I am afraid, there is lack of direction for Rub (Score 1) 226

The idiom of "let's throw more hardware at the problem" is a way of saying "we don't know jack shit about how to build a scalable web application, so we'll hide the symptoms by throwing a bunch of additional hardware at it so it at least seems we can scale things".

Really, building a scalable web app is not hard, but if you're using Ruby on Rails, you're looking for a miracle since it's a known fact RoR doesn't scale very well. Other languages suffer from the same problem, except it seems those languages have more people using them that actually know what they're doing, instead of just following the RoR hype of it being the best thing since sliced bread, which it's not.

The Courts

SCO Blames Linux For Bankruptcy Filing 321

Stony Stevenson writes "SCO Group CEO Darl McBride is now claiming that competition from Linux was behind the company's filing of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 'In a court filing in support of SCO's bankruptcy petition, McBride noted that SCO's sales of Unix-based products "have been declining over the past several years." The slump, McBride said, "has been primarily attributable to significant competition from alternative operating systems, including Linux." McBride listed IBM, Red Hat, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems as distributors of Linux or other software that is "aggressively taking market share away from Unix.""
User Journal

Journal SPAM: 50 religious insights from George Bush 4

The Word according to Dubya

George W. Bush talks to God but he also talks about God. Here are his top 50 quotes about religion, the Almighty, and putting words into God's mouth.

1. I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did.
Sharm el-Sheikh August 2003


Safeguards For RIAA Hard Drive Inspection 276

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "In SONY v. Arellanes, an RIAA case in Sherman, Texas, the Court entered a protective order (PDF) that spells out the following procedure for the RIAA's examination of the defendant's hard drive: (1) RIAA imaging specialist makes mirror image of hard drive; (2) mutually acceptable computer forensics expert makes make two verified bit images, and creates an MD5 or equivalent hash code; (3) one mirror image is held in escrow by the expert, the other given to defendant's lawyer for a 'privilege review'; (4) defendant's lawyer provides plaintiffs' lawyer with a 'privilege log' (list of privileged files); (5) after privilege questions are resolved, the escrowed image — with privileged files deleted — will be turned over to RIAA lawyers, to be held for 'lawyers' eyes only.' The order differs from the earlier order (PDF) entered in the case, in that it (a) permits the RIAA's own imaging person to make the initial mirror image and (b) spells out the details of the method for safeguarding privilege and privacy."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Atlanta/Decatur area computer recycling day, March 24th

This information was forwarded to me by a Girl Scout troup in Decatur. Figured this might come in handy for any Atlantans that have computer electronics they want to get rid of.

Subject: Recycling Day at Decatur High

FREE Electronics Recycling Date
Bring out your old computers, pagers, radios, printers, batteries,
answering machines and other dead electronics.

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