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Comment Re:Sign off. (Score 1) 325

Pearson does a lot of things; I'd find them fairly neutral in the process - what they do will work with basically anything.

That's not to say what they do is good? I find Pearson to be shit when it comes to education tools - they are filled with bloatware, drm, and things that don't provide any benefit to thing using them, but I wouldn't really blame them for anything here.

I would blame the superintendent and apple for sticking their nose into more sales under the guise of supporting education.

Comment Re:NIST would like to hear from you. (Score 1) 7

While they didn't willingly/intentionally give their information to the NSA, the fact that they were compromised by the NSA means that they should still be considered compromised going forward, so you are correct.

TLDR: don't do business with the NSA. This also means we really, really, really need to get rid of FIPS as well.

Comment Re:So? It's a good corporate move. (Score 2) 107

No, it doesn't sound like a good strategy.

It sounds like "Spray and pray". In fact, people who don't use google do not exactly jump to searching on Bing, mostly because bing is terrible at being a search engine. Are there alternatives? Yes. Is this a way to bring light to them? Not even remotely.

Yahoo is bing, so using yahoo is using bing and is just as much garbage as bing.

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