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Comment Re:Percent Revenue licenses are abhorrent (Score 1) 73

If nobody uses it, they'll change the licensing, or offer additional options. I imagine they would get some. Most established companies have a pretty good idea how much a given product is going to sell and they'll do the math. And if they're unprecedentedly successful then they'll do the math again and hire somebody to replace the functionality.

Comment Re:Percent Revenue licenses are abhorrent (Score 2) 73

Don't use it?

Licenses are options. If you don't like the license, don't use the product, or contact the author and try to negotiate something to suit your special case.

This thing Perens is proposing isn't really a license. It's an enforcement agency. And yeah, if you're used to ignoring the license because you don't think it should apply to you then probably you're not going to like it.

Comment Re:Its 3000 ly away (Score 1) 41

A Ia supernova is a white dwarf that accretes enough material to blow itself to pieces. This one will presumably do that eventually. A type II supernova is a large star that collapses into either a neutron star or a black hole, or blows itself to smithereens, depending on its size and metallicity.

Comment Re:Smaller size or more battery (Score 1) 218

Yes, my laptop is a ten year old 15" MacBook pro and the only real upgrade I'm coveting is something smaller and lighter, ideally with the same size screen. Anything computationally intensive just gets executed via ssh on either my desktop or a cluster somewhere. But some people want portable desktop workstations. Contrary to the OPs desire, you can't have both.

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