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Comment Re:Fire them. (Score 1) 252

"...The last vestige of the old Republic has been swept away..."

These criminals have been voting away Constitutional provision through simple majority and 2/3, statute-by-statute, since the end of the Civil War. This is just your 150-year end-game. It's too late, to stop it now,

Just wait til you see what they do with this manufactured "Budget Crisis". Emergency powers people. With a little coterie of Feinstein/Leiberman style Senators as arse-cover, for "representation".

Comment Re:choosing sides (Score -1, Troll) 245

Terrorism? Give me a break. This is the same kind of 'Terrorism" that is featured in the movie "Brazil", and that Orwell exposed with "Emmanuel Goldstein", in "1984". It's the kind of "terrorism" funded by your American tax-dollar.

Look. This is a fake "terror" incident, run by the black-ops folks in the US and Israel, just like 7/7 and Mumbai. Lets look at the ringleaders. Why are they ALWAYS English-speaking, with a long history of being directed by the CIA or a south-Asian proxy, before going "Rogue"? David Headly? Samantha Lewthwaite? We are not really that stupid, are we?

And just WHY was "award-winning, crisis photographer" Tyler Hicks in the Westgate mall, the EXACT moment that shit went down? That guy gets conveniently located with alarming frequency. How come the people "trying to prevent" these occurrences don't just up their chances, and follow him around?

There are fingerprints all over this stuff. But we will never be able to see them if we wear the blinders and bullshit from CNN/NPR/Fox channels for dissemination of official propaganda.

Comment Re:Lunar clocks? (Score 4, Interesting) 91

A quick check of WP says that the largest meta-study found no correlation, they found what they claimed to be "statistical errors" in the 20 studies that did find a correlation. To me that doesn't say "no", it says the evidence we have to date is weak (unless there's a much larger set of "error free" papers backing the "no correlation" side).

Personally I think there is a grain of truth in it, and my ex-wide who worked in ER for several years (as a cleaner) swears by it. However the moon doesn't actually create freaks from otherwise normal people, rather it provides just enough light for existing freaks to wander about at night and hurt themselves/others. I wouldn't expect the effect to be noticeable in a modern city hospital because city lights outshine the moon anyway. Weather also plays a huge role in the number of freaks wandering around at night, like everyone else, they (mostly) have enough sense to get out of the rain and are much more active on warm nights than cold. According to my ex-wife and her co-workers, a full moon on a hot and humid Saturday night is the perfect freak storm in a rural (or beachside) ER, statistically you're more likely to be murdered on a hot humid day than any other day.

There's a very good reason that virtually every ancient religion has a sun and/or a moon god, they were observed to rule the natural cycles around them. Modern city/urban life obscures most of those observations and people are left wondering why the hell stone age people went to the effort of building places like stone henge.

I think it's pretty much the same reason our modern society went to the effort of building the LHC or the Hubble telescope, ultimately they were trying to understand the world around them. Knowing where and when to turn up for an "all you can eat" buffet is a very deep behaviour in evolutionary terms, creatures as diverse as apes, jellyfish, corals, bears, and crocodiles make good use of it.

In most cases we are at a complete loss when it comes to explaining these things in detail. For example, how do crocodiles "know" to gather an hour or so before fish become trapped on a flooded river ford? - The brief event (filmed by Attenborough) only happens right at the peak of a king tide. AFAIK, nobody (including Attenborough) has a clue how the hell the crocs tell the difference between a high tide and a king tide BEFORE it arrives. In ancient times people just accepted that (say) the crocs inexplicable ability to predict king tides was due to "divine knowledge".

Humans are the undisputed masters of observing and exploiting patterns, however the root cause of the pattern is often irrelevant to it's utility. Ancient people would have simply observed the crocs (a wise defence behaviour anyway) and been alerted to the imminent fish bounty by their behaviour, some would have been mauled/taken by crocs when they went after the fish, lucky escape stories would abound, semi-random rituals would rapidly emerge to appease and thank the crocs. Next thing you know everybody wants a row of granite crocodile gods adorning their pyramid's driveway, and virgins are feeling nervous.

Comment IOMMU (Score 4, Informative) 125

Yes, when I saw this I thought that this was a reason to make motherboard IOMMUs a security feature. Also, the DMA destination memory pages should not have the executable bit turned on. Recent generations of Intel/AMD CPUs have provided the ability to turn that bit off.

Comment Re:Great idea! Let's keep it going: (Score 1) 266

Not seeing the problem here? Account self-destruct buttons are trivial to implement and should be at the discretion of the user, even if the user is an old fart like me. I think it would be unreasonable to expect companies to wipe the information from back-up tapes, just deleting the account should suffice for this purpose, if not the NSA have their own backups anyway. .

Comment Re:Oh good grief. (Score 1) 254

All of us develop according to the platform. In other words, you want to make a living coding apps, code in Objective -C, C# or Java.

There's still plenty of work targeting multiple platforms in plain old C, it's been putting the cake on my table for the last couple of decades. Having said that, most (paid) developers can do "something" in most languages simply by reading some code and googling unfamiliar constructs. I suppose when you think about it, googling an unfamiliar language is just a more relaxed version of WTF. Also, in my experience most WTF comments within the code are criticisms of the author, rather than the language itself.

C++ is a common entry point into programming for serious students. LUA is a relatively simple scripting language which cannot 'implement any algorithm' because (last time I looked) it's not a general programming language, it is however a popular video game interface which introduces a lot of young people to game programming. The languages that professional developers traditionally consider more difficult to learn properly are at the bottom of the list, namely C, Ruby, and Pearl.

At the end of the day, professional developers learn syntax to practice programming, somewhat like a doctor learns anatomy to practice medicine. The difference being that anatomy doesn't change much over time. ;)

Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 4, Insightful) 473

Agree. It's proper to consider all opinions and alternatives, but you don't have to read every GNAA and goatse post to figure out it's a troll. People whom claim to read everything in the hope of finding an interesting nugget at the bottom of the pile are either full of shit or have an extremely narrow range of interests. Scientists (or anyone else for that matter) don't have time to adress the same brain-dead critisizims over and over agian, best strategy is not to engage with the unteachable in the first place.

Our modern world is so complex no one person can ever hope to understand it all in depth. Like it or not we all turn to an authority when we need to know more about a subject, and since we are all doing that I like my authorities to be based on Science with Nature as the umpire (and I'm not talking about the journals with the same names). If someone has a better philosophy to disseminate mankind's collective knowlege to the next generation, I'm all ears.

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