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Comment Science guided lockdowns. (Score 1) 583

I live in New Zealand. We have eradicated Covid-19 in just over 8 weeks. But you have to do it right and not listen to the narrow, short term thinkers in the business community who find your life inconvenient for their money. There are no sort cuts. Cheaters lose. Break the chain of transmission. Test. Trace. Isolate. It works great if you don't cheat. Sadly, in America, Republicans are cheaters. They have killed a lot of people.

Comment Just print money (Score 1) 277

The US Fed has been printing money like crazy since October '19 to support the bond and stock markets for Trump's re-election. Surely they can print some more so Americans can eat and pay their rent. As long as there isn't scarcity of supply of basic items, it wouldn't be inflationary. We know this because they've been doing it for the wealthy since 2008 and inflation has been low. No one would be getting rich on the basic income required to eat, keep the lights on and pay rent / mortgages.....and the economy won't collapse. Well, it will, it has, but no one should be left desperate. That creates far more dangerous problems. Just print some money. The country can owe it to themselves through their own central bank. The terms of the "loan" can be zero interest and repayments don't start for 10 years. Then, in ten years, just wipe it out if things haven't improved.

Comment Re: Captive workers. (Score 1) 459

You don't need private health care and all the co-pays if you have a universal public health care provider. You're MUCH better off. Any opposition to systems like MediCare for all is a triumph of dull-minded determined ignorance over the facts. This isn't new or radical. ALL the other wealthy countries on the planet already do it and have done for roughly 70 years since WW II when people in many countries had to rely on each other to get everyone through hard times. They looked after each other. America stands or as a country of mainly ignorant, unthinking people for being unable to get their collective heads around this for most of a century. D'oh. Don't tech people do facts anymore? What happened?

Comment This will probably be necessary anyway. (Score 1) 459

The CORVID-19 Chris will probably see 400,000 dead in California alone. Perhaps even more because so many people will be addressing to seek health care sure to the cost and Trump's gutting of the Federal epidemic coordination chain of command two years ago. No one is doing those jobs.

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