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Comment Re:Question (Score 1) 139

RTFA it clearly say NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter. Suggesting it was taken from orbit.
As long as we don't know the actual possition it may or may not be a hole.

I will ask Schrödinger if he have any valuable input into this question.

Comment Re:2012 (Score 1) 285

No worry, the Mayan 2012 bug is greatly exagerated just like:

* The Y2K bug was hardware based, sort of.. or rather the lack of memory.
* The Unix 2036 bug is due to the limitations of 32bit systems.

2012 is just the same, a breakdown of Myan monotith calendars due to limitations of the Sun. but there will be a patch i assure you

Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Protein ... and Now Fat 210

ral writes "The human tongue can taste more than sweet, sour, salty, bitter and protein. Researchers have added fat to that list. Dr. Russell Keast, an exercise and nutrition sciences professor at Deakin University in Melbourne, told Slashfood, 'This makes logical sense. We have sweet to identify carbohydrate/sugars, and umami to identify protein/amino acids, so we could expect a taste to identify the other macronutrient: fat.' In the Deakin study, which appears in the latest issue of the British Journal of Nutrition, Dr. Keast and his team gave a group of 33 people fatty acids found in common foods, mixed in with nonfat milk to disguise the telltale fat texture. All 33 could detect the fatty acids to at least a small degree."

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It seems that more and more mathematicians are using a new, high level language named "research student".
