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Comment Re:Let me know when they pick the narrative & (Score 0) 188

What journalism? There's nothing here. Yellow journalism at its best. This story was debunked years ago. Nothing new has been discovered. It's just be regurgitated to pass funding for Ukraine. The Intelligence Community has not changed its assessment of this. Nothing to see but by all means get you kickers in a twist.

Comment Re:Microsoft just saved us from the XY backdoor (Score 2) 81

Read the report

The Board finds that this intrusion was preventable and should never have occurred. The Board also concludes that Microsoft’s security culture was inadequate and requires an overhaul, particularly in light of the company’s centrality in the technology ecosystem and the level of trust customers place in the company to protect their data and operations. The Board reaches this conclusion based on
1. the cascade of Microsoft’s avoidable errors that allowed this intrusion to succeed;
2. Microsoft’s failure to detect the compromise of its cryptographic crown jewels on its own, relying instead on a customer to reach out to identify anomalies the customer had observed;
3. the Board’s assessment of security practices at other cloud service providers, which maintained security controls that Microsoft did not;
4. Microsoft’s failure to detect a compromise of an employee's laptop from a recently acquired company prior to allowing it to connect to Microsoft’s corporate network in 2021;
5. Microsoft’s decision not to correct, in a timely manner, its inaccurate public statements about this incident, including a corporate statement that Microsoft believed it had determined the likely root cause of the intrusion when in fact, it still has not; even though Microsoft acknowledged to the Board in November 2023 that its September 6, 2023 blog post about the root cause was inaccurate, it did not update that post until March 12, 2024, as the Board was concluding its review and only after the Board’s repeated questioning about Microsoft’s plans to issue a correction;
6. the Board's observation of a separate incident, disclosed by Microsoft in January 2024, the investigation of which was not in the purview of the Board’s review, which revealed a compromise that allowed a different Review of the Summer 2023 Microsoft Exchange Online Intrusion iv nation-state actor to access highly-sensitive Microsoft corporate email accounts, source code repositories, and internal systems; and
7. how Microsoft’s ubiquitous and critical products, which underpin essential services that support national security, the foundations of our economy, and public health and safety, require the company to demonstrate the highest standards of security, accountability, and transparency

Comment Re: Hello World all day long. (Score 1) 121

Seriously? You know a research article has an abstract, introduction, methods, data, and conclusion sections. Which means people can skip to various sections to find answers to their questions.

Telling someone to watch a 11 hour video with no table of contents, pretty much tells someone you are bull shitting them.

Comment Re: Hello World all day long. (Score 1) 121

So basically what you are doing is regurgitating the presentation and nothing more.

This is nothing more than propaganda. Show us the details. Show us how you did the analysis. How did you determine something was more or less productive? How did you measure it? What qualified? What did not?

Without a real analysis, all you have is mental masturbation.

Comment Re:Big whoops - you forgot construction paid for (Score 1) 109

Again, reading comprehension is low with you.

Holtec, a manufacturer of nuclear reactor equipment, has an unprecedented plan to restart the shuttered Palisades Nuclear Plant in Michigan. Thanks to a conditional loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office, that plan is now $1.52 billion closer to reality.

Restarting the plan only works with government subsidies and continued government subsidies

If Holtec successfully repowers Palisades, it will be able to garner federal incentives such as a production tax credit geared to help keep the current nuclear fleet competitive, as well as an investment tax credit intended to speed new-plant construction. Holtec has also applied to the U.S. Civil Nuclear Credit Program, which has now extended its eligibility to include recently closed plants.

So no jackass, it is not cheaper.

Comment Re:Solar maybe not a great idea after all (Score 3, Informative) 109

Someone needs to learn how to read.

And while the plant had a strong operational performance record in recent years, it also has a sobering history of shutdowns due to failures of critical equipment, as well as broken fuel rods and fuel-spill incidents. The site was shut down for the final time a few days ahead of schedule due to concerns about the reliability of a key piece of equipment.

No jackass, it was not proven to be safe.

Comment "surprise and delight" legal argument? (Score 1) 47

I didn't realize that "surprise and delight" is a legal argument.

So Apple, going straight to the heart of damages, what if any impact did these "unlawful disclosures" have on your sales? None. Thanks, Cased dismissed.

Sorry Apple, you've fired your employee. Case is closed. What you are really after, are the stock options you gave Aude. You can't get those back without a court order. This is what the case is about. Moving on...

Comment Re:This is why forking is a thing (Score 3, Insightful) 120

"Redis" is not a person jackass. It is a project where MULTIPLE developers contributed code. Developer's contributed code with the understanding that it would be licensed as Open Source. Redis Ltd, the company behind "Redis", decided to change course and change the license model. That means developers can no longer use the "Redis" code that they contributed to and were allowed to use before. You can fuck off now, you useless prick.

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