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Comment Re:Blockchain (Score 1) 38

No, because of the way copyright works, it does have to be that way. No game developer want their copyrighted IP associated with whatever trash game some dipshit edgelord wants to write. Yeah, sure, you can put Mickey Mouse in your loli-rape game. LOL, never going to happen, and you are dumb for thinking it's a good thing.

NO game company is going to let some other IP into their games. And very few games would benefit even from letting in the companies own IP, from other series. As a gamer, I do not want to see your cowboy in my sci fi game.

So, you'd have to give the companies control over what goes into their games. Making the whole concept pointless.

So not only are you wrong, you're an asshole about it to boot, because you haven't thought this through and don't have any actual, good, reasoned arguments in favor. You just want what you want. And critical thinking is obviously not something you want to do.

Comment Re: They are correct to be (Score 1) 168

And free to manufacturer and own nuclear weapons. It's none of your business what I do a long as it doesn't affect you.

So long as you demonstrate that you can keep them safe and secure, I'm less worried about you having a nuke than the US government having one. The US, after all, has actually flash-fried children with the things before.

As for mandatory vaccination, the SCOTUS found in Buck v. Bell -- and has never overturned -- that the same principle that justified mandatory vax also justifies forced eugenic sterilization. It's not just a theoretic "slippery slope", we already slid down it.

Comment Re: This is bullshit. (Score 1) 373

Good deeds make people feel good because evolution rewards winning strategies with pleasure. Doing good deeds, acting in a prosocial manner, improves your chances for survival and procreation. There is literally no other reason that doing them would feel good.

We don't define things as selfish just because they make you feel good. We define them as selfish if they only benefit the self, and no other. What you are doing is trying to justify real, actual selfishness, which only benefits the individual, by claiming anything that makes you feel good is selfish.

That is a very selfish take on selfishness. It belittles true acts of selflessness and raises selfishness up to be an immutable truth of human nature. In short, it is an excuse be selfish and anti-social, dressed up in dime store philosophy and grade school level sociology.

Comment Re:You don't have to wonder (Score 2) 63

1) "They make money selling new stuff, but not new stuff that is to replace old, broke stuff, just new stuff! And so they are doing repairs for their reputation." This is fucking nonsensical, can you even explain it yourself?

2) Wait, I thought Apple made it's money selling shiny new stuff? So why would they care if people repair things with a third party? Oh, they want to sell you more new stuff while they inconvenience you by requiring you to go to one of their stores. And this point is posited as a benign thing?

3) Come on. You can't possibly buy this. Every other laptop company can make thin, lightweight laptops where you can replace a battery in five minutes. The idea that you have to design in such a repair unfriendly way in order to make things lightweight is just fucking dumb.

Only an Apple fanboy could have come up with an argument that dumb, and only an Apple fanboy would think it's a good argument.

Comment Re:Seems like there are easier places for hydropon (Score 1) 12

I vaguely remember a short sci fi story where most food production is done in orbit, but they put a carbonaceous asteroid into orbit and used some sort of alien factory to directly convert inorganic materials into food.

With the right technology, food production in orbit would certainly be possible. But you do realize, every pound of food that comes down from orbit must be replaced by a pound of something going to orbit, right? You can't create matter from nothing.

The only technology that makes that feasible is an orbital elevator. With that, every pound of food going down acts as a counterweight for a pound of water, oxygen and fertilizer coming up. Orbital elevators necessarily run up to geosynchronous orbit (how else would they stay in the same position over their base station?) and that far out, there is a LOT of room. Even considering that the only viable orbit is equatorial. Given that sunlight is so much more intense in orbit, you could grow a lot more food in less area. Like, enough food for trillions of people.

One way to do that would be to take metallic asteroids, drill out the core, fill it with water, plug up the ends and use big mirrors to heat the thing up. Once the metal turns plastic from heat and the water turns to steam, the whole thing inflates like a balloon. Spin it up, put some mirrors on the ends and light tube in the middle to distribute the light, and you've got a nice amount of space to grow food.

And yeah, it would help reduce insolation of the earth and lower the temperature. Plus you could do solar power generation and send the excess power down the elevator cables. Heck, you could easily move all industry off Earth at that point and turn the Earth into a beautiful garden. I'd bet the wealthy would stay groundside, and billions of poor people would move into orbitals.

Comment Re:Seems like there are easier places for hydropon (Score 2) 12

That was my first thought as well. But my second thought was "But those places don't have microgravity."

This is a research initiative, it is not a production farm! And the end goal is sustainable agriculture in space, to support an orbital population without having to ship all food from Earth.

Surely you did not think this was some sort of orbital farm designed to deliver food to Earth? That just doesn't pass the logical sniff test. If something sounds completely ridiculous, but people have invested money in it, there are two possible explanations. People might be getting conned somehow. But the far more likely explanation is, you simply do not understand the concept.

Comment Re: how can people be this stupid? (Score 2) 181

But you're a liar, and admitted as much in your own post. You said California's laws mandate hiring PoC over more meritorious candidates, but then say the law was struck down. And the link you post is not about jobs, it is about board members. Those are almost always unpaid positions. The law does not say you have to repalce white men with women and people of color. You can simply add a new seat on the board for those positions.

Note that this law only applies to boards of publicly traded companies based in California. So even if the law was not struck down as you claim it was, it does not do what you claim it does. Why do you lie and then post links that prove you are a liar? Is your dumb brain being fucked by stupid?

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