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Comment Never mind getting rid of the assholes (Score 1) 54

If i was out of a job and had not run through my savings yet, I could tell my backers that i would pay the money out of my own pocket - as in "I can do that job and am willing to bet $10K (and get back $20K when i finish a month)". Could even be a career for some people - find companies that hired that way and work for one after the other, collecting the reward money.

Comment Re:Not Really The Same (Score 0) 93

If we're talking about competition, a better analogy might be -- when Amazon Marketplace vendors are selling goods at way over the going rate (just because Amazon itself is out of stock, which LOOKS LIKE it's out of stock everywhere), allowing a manufacturer to force Amazon to say "you can get this cheaper at your local store or at WalMart".

Comment a la carte pricing (Score 1) 82

not sure why Appple doesn't just offer two tiers of pricing
-- everything that most (small) developers want packaged up in exchange for 30% of your gross, vs
-- a la carte - where everything has a price that reflects actual cost + profit, such as:
space in the apple store vs advertise on your own web site
users get software/updates in the apple store vs apple sells you the notarization service and gives you the signed bundle and you host it yourself
app reviews (such as they are) are part of the bundled price vs app reviews are at cost (granted,, they would have to get better)

Comment Don't let them connect the dots (Score 1) 53

To protect against vendors selling information to Amazon, etc without your knowledge, just create a new gmail (or other free email) account for every IoT device - Amazon may get your data, but they won't be able to connect it (easily) to the data that they have from your Amazon account or your other IoT devices.

Comment Goodbye, Chrome (Score 1) 119

This sounds like something that the browser would implement. As such, privacy-focused browsers, such as Safari, Firefox, or Brave, could choose not to implement it (or implement it in a way that provides no information, i.e., the user belongs to a cohort that never visited any sites) and Chrome would be the only one that implements it properly. This would give the user the ultimate say in whether they want to be tracked -- use Chrome and be tracked, or choose something else and avoid being tracked. This may be the end of Chrome ...

Submission + - Health Care Workers Snub Vaccine Rollout ? (

ApproachingLinux writes: Bloomberg reports:

In recommending that states start immunizing all residents 65 and older, along with all those between 16 and 64 with medical conditions that make them more vulnerable to serious disease, U.S. health officials are clearing a path for about 128 million more Americans to be vaccinated.

Demand likely will outstrip supply if states expand immunization to these groups. The U.S. has made about 25 million doses of the vaccine available so far, Azar said, enough to give the first shots to priority groups of health-care personnel and long-term care residents. Both of the vaccines currently available require two shots.

So, if 25 million doses were distributed and there are 24 million people in group 1A, what are we to infer from the government expanding the groups who can get this first round of vaccine? Could it be that a large number of people in group 1A are passing on the opportunity to get a vaccine shot?

Comment No surprise - COVID-19 vs COVID-20 / COVID-21 (Score 1) 238

The current vaccines are for COVID-19. It looks like they might also fight COVID-20 (UK), but maybe not COVID-21 (SouthAfrica). The fight against COVID is going to end up looking just like the fight against the flu. Yearly shots with an ever changing stew of vaccines against the strains du jour.

Comment Re:A bit self-serving (Score 1) 398

Especially if you actually look at what he sells. Recently, I went to Whole Foods and started looking at the nutrition labels on their prepared foods. 6" sub, no dressing, over 4,000 grams of sodium. I double checked that I wasn't seeing an extra zero. A lot of other things in their store is the same. He wants people to believe that by saying what he does, his store must be doing things right, but in many ways, you may be better off eating at McD.

Comment Unintended uses (Score 1) 64

Cheap GPS locator if you can't find your car in the parking lot ... or if it is stolen ... or if you are stalking someone and have enough time to drop one in their car -- anyone with a phone that gets in the car will report its whereabouts (or maybe the smart car will do it). Good uses and bad uses often go hand-in-hand ...

Comment @Biden46 - @POTUS (Score 1) 151

seems like one way to do this right is to give Biden a @Biden46 account now, where he could tweet and that people could follow. Then on Jan 20, rename @POTUS to @Trump45 and rename @Biden46 to @POTUS. Existing followers of @POTUS and @Biden46 would automatically move over to the new account name. New followers would get the actual new @POTUS.

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