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Comment URL Lengthening Service (Score 1) 99

I've found people no longer trust short URLs. But give them a long, impressive authoritarian-sounding URL and they assume it must be part of some corporate datacenter they can feel safe doing business with. Right now there are a couple, like Johannes longurl. It works, but doesn't fill the URL with impressive sounding words. What we need is something tied to a thesaurus lookup with all manner of impressive sounding terms meant to subliminally make the person think they are safe. e.g., reallybigcorporationofamerica.com/htppsss/accounting/security/firewall/lockdown/secureurltoken.shtml&verifiedid=320498982342394ab098f&checksum=0342f&etcetcetc

Comment It already does this if you have U-Verse... (Score 1) 131

If you have U-verse you can get this xbox thing that basically turns it into a u-verse receiver/dvr (using the xbox hard drive). Sadly they charge $99 for this, versus a monthly fee of like $5 for another unit. I guess it would pay for itself eventually. Or if you somehow had a TV with only one input it could be worth it. They advertise not having to use the source select button on your tv remote as a feature. Its not a $99 feature. Also you can stream a lot of ESPN content via Xbox Live... not their top ticket items, but it is a good way to see some of the less in demand sporting events... e.g., CONCACAF soccer, NCAA women's basketball, etc. You can usually see one of their current sportscenter shows as well..

Comment Originally I was bummed out at HP's Touchpad plans (Score 1) 260

They had a big announcement then pushed its launch out to sometime this year, late summer maybe, nothing firm. Most of the palm fans were screaming about how can they wait that long apple is launching stuff now we have to get it out there and OMG the playbook is also launching way way ahead...

Now I think that was probably a better choice.

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