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Comment Re:Leaving the civilized world (Score -1, Troll) 202

Calling NATO countries "the civilized world" is a step further in racist delusion to calling them "international community" as is usually the case in western propaganda. 5/6ths of the world by population do not have any sanctions against Russia and trade continues normally or increasing. I've no idea where you get the idea that Russia is "disrupting collaboration" with India, China etc, from everything I see they are trying to increase it, especially with BRICS countries and basically everyone else they can get, to work around the western sanctions.

Comment Re:HP, comment? (Score 2) 31

I really like my XPS-13 3200x1800 resolution touchscreen. I know it sounds obvious but I just get a few inches closer to the screen and it works as well as larger monitor for seeing two or more high-resolution document and image editing. If I want more real estate I pop it into my D-6000 hub and power two 4K monitors (as well as the 13" monitor of course) My wife bought one after seeing how clear and readable mine is.

Comment Re:Seems to Confirm the Reviews Zuru may regret (Score 1) 142

Your post made me genuinely Laugh out Loud. What if truth *wasn't* a defense against defamation. Someone could become wealthy just by doing something egregiously immoral and then waiting for people to talk about it and then suing each one for "defamation".

Comment Kudos to glassdoor (Score 4, Insightful) 142

Reviews are just what they are -- must be taken at face value. Companies should work toward engendering goodwill from all persons with which they interact. We consumers of Internet content know that there are occasional sour grapes and take that into account. But one thing that must be protected is this: The well-meaning whistle-blower who is admirably trying to give accurate review.

Comment Re: Unaccustomed (Score 2) 281

Are there Texans poking fun? Also, you can turn the question around. Texas had a once in a lifetime cold spell of -17C (normally hardly ever goes below 0) and many US liberals and, I think, Europeans were blaming Republicans/capitalism/lack of regulation etc i.e. saying we should be more regulated, you know like those sensible Europeans. Meanwhile the moment temperature deviates from expected by 5 degrees Europeans literally start dropping dead like flies.

Comment Re:Statistics (Score 1) 281

Why focus on mass shootings when they are a miniscule portion of overall homicides?

US is about where you would expect in terms of homicides per capita at 5 per 100K, somewhere between Canada (2 per 100K) or Mexico/other Central and South American countries (30-40 per 100K - btw most of them have a near complete ban on private gun ownership) as it fits somewhere between those countries demographically and culturally.

Also, do you consider it interesting that places in the US with the highest rate of gun ownership (rural, small to medium cities) have a very low homicide rate, comparable to Europe, while big cities which mostly have stricter gun regulations and lower rate of ownership have MUCH higher homicide rate? Obviously there are other factors that are more relevant than just the number of guns.

Comment Re:I don't think Tesla's gonna be around (Score 1, Insightful) 214

What is a "big" car company? Tesla's market cap is higher than Toyota, VW, GM, Ford, Mercedes and BMW put together. That's the value that the market places on these companies but we are to believe you know better?

Overvalued? Perhaps, but so what? Tesla has 75% share of EV market in the US, which is expected to grow by about 6x in 5 years. Both world and US market share is actually increasing (+4% this year) despite so many new EV cars coming out. He built this company from nothing in less than 20 years because "he just figured out he could make a ton of money off a government carbon credit program".

Seriously, do you actually think that's how the world works?

Calling Elon hard right is equally insane. He is more left wing than Obama was in his first term. He literally supports universal basic income, carbon tax, estate tax, more direct democracy and supported Andrew Yang etc. More of a Tesla is made in the US than any other car and employees are paid more on average.

He opposes Twitter anti conservative bias and expressed mild annoyance at some of the more ridiculous woke bs and this makes him hard right. You leftists are breaking new ground in stupidity every day.

Submission + - SPAM: MITRE Shares List of Most Dangerous Software Bugs

ellithligraw writes: Bleeping Computer shares MITRE has released the 25 most dangerous software bugs and some of the bugs are surprising. Basically, oldies but goodies.

"Many professionals who deal with software will find the CWE Top 25 a practical and convenient resource to help mitigate risk," MITRE states. Bleeping Computer describes how the list was formulated, "To create this list, MITRE scored each weakness based on its prevalence and severity after analyzing data for 37,899 CVEs from NIST's National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog."

Interesting how some bugs are like cockroaches, eliminate them, but they never seem to be eliminated.


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