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Comment DOM? (Score 1) 88

Doesn't seem to say whether they'll have their own methods for accessing the DOM, or depend on JavaScript libraries.

I only code for my own use these days, and only have one piece of JavaScript I maintain. It's a GreaseMonkey script that runs on every page I download. It goes through and changes the fonts and sizes of most everything to match my standards for what looks attractive. I started it years ago on a day where I encountered too many pages that made you want to go find the designer and ask, "Did you study ugly and unreadable in school, or are you just naturally gifted?"

Comment Re:other filler and fluff need to go like gym at X (Score 1) 365

That said, 99% of computer science graduates will never need to solve a differential equation. That math course has no business being a core requirement in a computer science degree but it gets thrown in there because: STEM.

But all of them will need to deal with a certain amount of applied discrete math. I have long been in favor of replacing the calculus requirement with classes of comparable difficulty in discrete math.

Comment Re:If you really want to keep all the students (Score 1) 365

Maybe at least *some* of the people who are "no good at math" are no good at learning from courses designed by math professors.

At a variety of times over the years, I've suggested that engineers would be better served by calculus classes designed and taught by professors in the engineering school. When I've done so in a formal setting with faculty present, the howls from the engineering faculty that they don't have time to teach their students three semesters of calculus, one of linear algebra, and one of basic differential equations are VERY loud.

Comment Re:Decisions (Score 1) 200

Congress never gave the EPA the power to regulate CO2. They could, but they didn't. So the EPA doesn't get to regulate CO2, until congress lets them.

Go read Massachusetts v. EPA. The SCOTUS held that under the current Clean Air Act, not only can the EPA regulate greenhouse gases, but they must do so. One of the possible outcomes of this new case is that the Court will reverse itself on that decision. OTOH, maybe just take my word for it -- it's one of those horrible fractured decisions the Roberts court is known for. Page after page in the opinion and the dissents arguing about the meaning of the word "otherwise".

Comment Re: Sure, in 20 years (Score 1) 203

Those stupid fucks (EU govts) have even started a second huge pipeline...

Not just started. Nord Stream 2 is complete, and Gazprom has filled it with methane. They can start deliveries the day after the Germans sign off the last of the paperwork.

Possibly worth noting that the Europeans decided many years ago that energy and energy policy was an economic matter to be handled under the EU treaties, not a security matter to be handled under NATO. That's irritated the US from the time they made that decision.

Comment Re:Copper thieves (Score 5, Interesting) 141

15 or so years ago I saw a DHS presentation about an exercise that started with terrorists crashing stolen buses and/or garbage trucks into the transformers at all the main substations for a sizeable Midwestern city (their estimate was that 12-18 people could plan and execute such a plan). The rest of the exercise was for city managers and elected officials to try to handle the ensuing long-term emergency. Long-term because all of the transformers were very large custom-built in Europe with a six-month lead time.

One of the things the presenter said came out of that exercise was a lot of pressure by the cities/states on the electric utilities to start shifting from the large custom-built to smaller standardized main substation transformers operating in parallel, and to cooperate on warehousing a number of spares in the state.

Comment Re:Why launch it with an Ariana if you have the SL (Score 1) 104

1) It's an international project. The Ariane 5 and launch services are part of the European contribution.

2) Given the production schedule, the first SLS that would be available outside the Artemis project would be delivered three or four years from now.

3) Even if the SLS were actually available now, the cost per launch is something over $2B, an order of magnitude more than the Ariane 5.

4) The ULA has notified NASA that they will barely be able to deliver the SLS vehicles to cover the Artemis launches. NASA has started rebooking unmanned missions that had been planned to use the SLS. Eg, Europa Clipper is now booked for a Falcon Heavy even though that will require a longer, slower flight to Jupiter.

Comment Re: Superstar v Prole - who wins? (Score 4, Interesting) 183

You're seriously still listening to the same old stale generic boring stuff from decades ago?

It's Saturday so I get to whine. I'm old and my wife of 40+ years is disappearing down a dementia hole. My choices are farther back than the 80s, and don't include Clapton -- I always thought he was overrated -- but sometimes I just need some comfort music.

Comment Re: Future headline: (Score 3, Interesting) 223

LibreOffice is no problem. I have used it professionally for years for documents and spreadsheets.

Now that I am retired my home desktop is Linux and LibreOffice is a fine solution for my use. Previously, I was appalled at how many academics used the Windows version of Excel as a "standard" numeric computing platform. In those days, I needed to keep a copy running that I knew was bug-for-bug compatible, which I found quite frustrating.

Comment Re:Nuclear power is how you reduce emissions (Score 1) 243

The argument is being made that this plant is a replacement for the nearby coal-fired plant (one of the three units there already shut down to meet haze limits). That coal-fired plant sells the bulk of its electricity to utilities farther west, some as far as the Pacific Coast. The most interesting question to me is will those customers be willing to buy nuclear electricity? At present my guess would be no, they're going to buy wind-solar-storage based power instead.

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