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Comment Re:Trying too hard (Score 2) 290

When I looked at Soylent News this morning, there were 5 or so stories with less than 5 comments, and the quality of some of the last few submissions has actually been worse than what we typically see here. I'd like SN to succeed and viable competition should force Slashdot to improve, but it's going to take some real effort.

Comment Re: Why didn't they leave it in place? (Score 1) 191

Sorry, but it sounds like you don't know how pervasive monocultures are in modern agriculture. Thanks to globalization, even peasants living largely without the benefit of industrialization grow whichever crop will earn them the most money. Just as an example, in Laos, one of the least developed countries in the world, state-owned Chinese corporations are creating huge rubber plantations at the expense of huge swaths of native ecosystems. The chicken exists because of its commoditization, and it will take just one commodity that's more profitable to wipe it out entirely. Don't underestimate the degree to which economics has already shaped most--if not all--of the modern world.

Comment Re:There won't BE any "general acceptance" (Score 1) 921

Well, the cost of cameras will continue to decrease, and the ease of processing video and integrating it with other data in useful ways will continue to increase, so the number of cameras being used in public is going to increase. That's not going to change, so you're probably going to have to deal with it.

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Always think of something new; this helps you forget your last rotten idea. -- Seth Frankel
