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Comment Re:Anonymous Coward (Score 1) 120

In this case, any network outside of Australia is considered "Trusted" for my purposes.

I pretty much just want to get around the whole Australian Governments "We are going to watch everything you do" policy. Specifically, their desire to log every website I visit.

Last thing I want is for the feds to bust my door down because I'm googleing a particular book by Vladimir Nabokov.

Comment Buggy pile of sh** (Score 3, Interesting) 249

I'm was a time KDE user up to and including version 3.

When KDE4 came out I used it for several months before finally giving up due to severe bugs that made it almost unusable.

Since then I keep trying it under the assumption that they've had time to fix the bugs- but it seems they just keep adding on more unusable features instead of stopping and cleaning up what they've already got.

I'm not a big fan of the gnome desktop, but at least it's stable.

Comment Great choices in Australia (Score 1) 178

Here in Australia, we tend to have much smaller data allowances and higher prices (Due to higher data costs in Australia; We're very remote).

However competition among ISPs is fierce, and most areas of the country have dozens of different ISPs to choose from. This has lead to a very innovative market.

Finally, something about our internet that is better :P.

Comment Tourettes is genetic (Score 4, Informative) 558

Speaking as someone with a mild case of Tourettes, you can't just "Get" it. You're either born with it or not.

However, many people with the faulty genes go through there entire life without noticing the symptoms until they experience a particularly stressful moment- at which point something "breaks" and it becomes a lot more severe.

I cannot possibly fathom a supermarket price scanner burning someone (It's just not possible), however it's possible the girl believed it did, causing her enough psychological stress to trigger the Tourettes.

However, if that was enough to set her off, she was going to get it pretty soon anyway with several years of stressful High School on the horizon.

Comment NTFS-3G works fine (Score 2, Insightful) 484

NTFS-3G, which should come standard in most distros, should be able to read and write NTFS perfectly. It's considered very stable. That said, my personal solution to this problem was to use EXT2 and install EXT2IFS on my windows machines. I had a small FAT32 partition on the USB disk with the EXT2 driver installers for Windows and MacOS, so if I ever need to read it on another computer I don't have to download anything.

Comment In other news, Water is wet (Score 1) 170

I think most of us figured out this possibility within 30 seconds of seeing how Gravatar worked.

One solution would be to have a private salt known only to Gravatar and the implementing website. Gravatar could determine the correct salt to use base on the referrer.

Of course this would mean each subscriber would need to be hashed against each salt in the Gravatar database.

In either case, I don't think it's really that big a deal.

Comment How about making it stable? (Score 1, Flamebait) 528

So far I've tried several releases of KDE4 and every one of them has been buggy as hell. Constant crashes, graphics glitches, and general random unpolished fuckups.

How about locking down functionality for a few months and focusing on stability? It's gotten so bad I've switched over to Gnome after many, MANY years of being an adamant KDE supporter.

Comment DropBox (Score 1) 305

I use DropBox for this between work and home, and it's fantastic.

That said, I don't believe it supports encryption (But it's a commonly requested feature, and they are generally quick to respond to demand so it's probably in the works).

My plan B would be an rsync server sitting in a colo somewhere. I'm sure you could find automated dropbox style clients that would work with it.

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