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Comment Re:This should be amusing (Score 1) 582

POTS service in the last 5 years is NOT what it was 15 years ago. Reliability, resilience and call quality have taken a hit in favor of cost cutting. Customers don't care enough to complain anymore since they are all using cell phones or Voip anyway. POTS is already on life support and not coming back - might as well go ahead and pull the plug.

Given the same scenario today, I doubt your POTS line would be working, not to mention you wouldn't be able to call any neighbors since they wouldn't have POTS lines anymore.

Comment Re: Booze Bus (Score 1) 783

While your post is factually correct, it is logically inconsistent. If the standard for safe driving is complete and total sobriety and 100% motor control, there are many people who are on the road today, completely sober, who need to lose their license permanently. I have better reflexes and reaction time after a couple of beers than many people do when completely sober.

Either its safe for me to drive or they need to be off the road. Which one is it? In this politically correct country of ours we refuse to make this important distinction.

Comment Re:Fear is inherent. (Score 1) 926

It's called differentiation between good gun owners and bad gun owners, dipshit. Yes its more complicated than that but I had to dumb it down sufficiently for you to even begin to understand. Here's a hint: it isn't hunters and target shooters that are shooting up elementary schools.

Comment Re:They pop up and notify me they are running. (Score 1) 243

Android's permission listings are damn near useless. Every single app in the Play store wants permission to access everything on the phone. I'm not sure if this is just lazy programming or if there is some sort of serious limitation if your app does not ask for maximum permissions. If you decide you won't permit apps on your phone that are too intrusive, you will have a phone with no apps other than the crap the phone maker forces on it. Selective disabling of permissions would give the user some meaningful choice.

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