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Comment Re:Can't Go Backwards (Score 1) 736

> It is HARD.
No it isn't. This isn't rocket science, just basic UI design.

You are conflating absolute progress with relative time.

> Maybe a couple of numbers under it showing # files done out of # total files.
Correct. The total number is constant. The time it takes to install/copy is variable.

The CORRECT solution is to show BOTH numbers so the user is not confused over which information the progress bar is displaying. Far too many programmers and designers don't seem to have a clue of understanding the difference of WHY you want to show both -- they are presenting different types of answers because they are answering different types of questions:

* The absolute progress is never wrong but it doesn't convey _enough_ information "How long do I have to wait?"
* The relative time progress bay can easily be wrong but it will never give a correct value of "What has just completed?" since it was never designed to answer that question - only "How much longer do I need to wait?"

> Which installs faster, a package containing 250 files totaling 10 MB, or a package containing 10 files totaling 100 MB - hint; it depends.
In the first case there would be a progress bar #/250, the second #/10. However, since each file could take anywhere from seconds to minutes to install a GOOD UI would show the user that the installer is doing _something_; an ETA is "good enough"

A common fallacy is assuming that one or the other is all that is needed. That is incomplete.

Comment Re:Let me guess... (Score 1) 235

Agreed that security (or lack of it) is an issue. What makes security a difficult problem to "solve" is trying to balance two extremes:

convenience/freedom < - - - > authentication/authority

Too much freedom and you lack security. Too much security and you make it a PITA to actually get anything done!

That axis is related to these two extremes:

authority < - - - > accountability

The often quoted mis-interpreted* "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" would lead us believe that Freedom should be valued over Security. There are cases where it can be argued for one or the other.

As a relatively new country we're still trying to figure out the right balance (as it swings from one extreme to the other extreme) especially with respect to Social Engineering and "White" Hats vs Gray Hats.

* See for details: http://www.lawfareblog.com/2011/07/what-ben-franklin-really-said/

Comment Re:The funny thing at my university (Score 4, Insightful) 372

> Posting syllabi is nice and all, but students use that as a way to just read the book before the exam rather than attend class.

And who is paying for the class? We're not in kindergarten anymore where you need mandatory attendance for mommy and daddy.

I've had my share of shitty teachers where it was more efficient for me to just read and do the exercises in the textbook then to waste my time listening to a prof that couldn't teach.

The better teachers find ways to engage students by asking them questions then to simply spew useless facts.

Comment Re:Name the products (Score 1) 467

> Name the products, which will of course also tell us the companies

Exactly. Name and Shame.

If companies won't treat their (potential) customers with respect then it is our duty to spread the word to that they don't deserve to be financially supported.

It seems to be the only way to get the to pay any attention.

Comment Re:My experience with the GIMP (Score 0) 197

> I wish there were something like the GIMP, but for music production.

Could your describe your work-flow including type of assets you need to manipulate along with the operations needed so we could better understand the problem please?

Also, could list what open source audio programs have you tried? What functionality did they fail to provide? What UI problems did you run into?

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