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Comment Re:A patent troll public shaming. Interesting (Score 1) 278

Don't be mad at the oportunist, be mad at those that gave this oportunist leeway.

Patents and Copyrights have always been political power instruments and are used to censor, stiffle progress and to provide landgrab in the broadest sense to accomplices.
Stiffle progress is a special one, politicians are people with contol freak mindsets, they hate any sense of not being in control.
Science in perticular is constantly providing legal fronteer situations which enable others than the political class and their accomplices to be oportune.

Comment Re:Mageia/PCLinux (Score 1) 44

PCLinux is an old fork, probably it is too far from the codebase of Mandriva.

Texstar (PCLinux' maintainer) used to be a packager for Mandriva years ago, he rpm'd a lot of applications in those days, and the packages were of exceptional quality.

Comment Re:Flat-Line (Score 1) 485

But depending on if PC's can be built with electronics from pads and mobiles, prices may rise again to XT and AT prices from the mid 80's.
These machines did not come cheap.

I hope that more projects like rapsberry pi will enable us serious PC users to continue while keeping cost at acceptable levels.

Comment Re:Redhat/Fedora (Score 1) 44

Mageia is a fork of the rock solid Mandriva 2010 codebase, Mandriva crashed with their experimental 2011 codebase and threw out the main builders of the product, these builders united in september 2010 to start Mageia.

They used the Mandriva 2010 to build the servers that make the distribution (puppet based) and made the Mageia 1 distro with the servers in june 2011.
At this moment Mageia 2 is out there but it is not as stable, the product is in the middle of changing from startup scripts to systemd and has dbus and policy kit problems, half of my system does not startup in systemd mode so I am using startup scripts as I always have done.

The Mandriva they want to use for the desktop is less stable than the Mageia 2 they want to use for servers.
I use Mandrake since ancient times and stayed with Mandriva and now with Mageia, I am used to it and it mostly works out of the box.

Only that French company, it has always been and probably stay a disaster.

The Courts

US Judge Say Kim Dotcom May Never Be Tried or Extradited 345

vik writes "As Megaupload's Kim Dotcom's megafarce trial continues, the New Zealand Herald reports that his alleged offense not only falls below the threshold for extradition, but also that the warrant may not be properly served. 'My understanding as to why they haven't done that is because they can't. We don't believe Megaupload can be served in a criminal matter because it is not located within the jurisdiction of the United States,' says Megaupload's lawyer Ira Rothken. Not surprisingly, Kim Dotcom has a few choice words to say about having his business trashed this way, with 220 jobs lost, and millions left without access to their legitimate data."

In Small WV Town, Monsanto Faces Class-Action Suit Over Agent Orange Chemical 185

eldavojohn writes "Agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto is now at the receiving end of a lawsuit from representatives of anyone who lived in the small town of Nitro, WV from 1949 on. This suit alleges that Monsanto spread chemical toxins all over town — most notably the carcinogenic dioxins. The plant in question produced herbicide 2,4,5-T, which was used in Vietnam as an ingredient for 'Agent Orange.' [Note: link contains some disturbing images; click cautiously.] From the article: 'Originally the suit called for Monsanto to both monitor people's health and clean up polluted property. The court rejected the property claims last year, leaving just the medical monitoring.' Strange that the suit is only allowed to address the symptom and not the root cause."

Comment Re:Dead (Score 1) 204

The problem is that a lot of developers making things on Linux started using Macs and instead of developing things for their Macs they try to change things on Linux to what they are used to.

Comment I think that... (Score 1) 330

I think that the majority of problems that were in the native environment are solved.
Most of the desktop applications are mature and complete and a big part of the commandline never had problems that werent solvable to begin with.
The last 10 years just caused a lot of problems to be solved on the web platform, now that HTML et al. are getting in mature state as well we will see coming 5 years that most problems on that platform are getting solved too.
Even scalability problems are getting solved with virtual computing.
This means attention is shifting to new platforms like mobile and pad until something new comes round the corner.

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