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Comment Re:What is the Google Strategy? (Score 1) 80

Looking at this map, there are a lot of poorer neighborhoods that made it. Not all, but a lot. I understand they are deploying first to those with the highest demand/met their threshhold first, which makes sense, and a lot of richer neighborhoods where among the first to qualify.

I recall more than a few charitable and NPOs stepped up to help some of those areas meet their threshhold, and Google itself worked really hard to get the word out, and explain the benefit door to door in some of those areas. To be honest, they've gone so far, I'm not sure how you can hold them at fault as a for-profit company in this.

Comment Re:Hofstadter (Score 2) 278

I was thinking the same. Keep in mind, it's not fiction (there are fictional elements in it, more like fables to illustrate the points made), and it's more like a general essay/introduction to logic, paradox, intelligence and what it means, recursion, and similar topics. You may find yourself covering topics you are already familiar with, depending on your experience, but it's still a good read.

You can read a better summation on Wikipedia

Comment Re:Of course they won't.. (Score 5, Insightful) 446

I would say it's more of a way to get Apple to lay off suing Android device manufacturers for patent violation. If you have enough ammo in your patent war chest, no one's going to take pot shots at you. Certainly worked for IBM, anyways.

I don't know if this move is at least in a little part an attempt to get Apple to back off on suing Samsung (is that bit about an Apple device ban not effecting US consumers lifted from Apple v Samsung comments?), but it might do so anyways.

Comment Re:What a difference a few days makes (Score 1) 241

I believe a lot of that was the result of educating residents on what this whole thing means. I've had to explain exactly what some of the advantages were myself to a half dozen people or so I thought would have picked up on it themselves.

That, and the primary means for signing up was via the web, and I believe that for a lot of these households, fiber is going to be their first broadband connection to the Internet. I think there was a phone number you could use as well, but it wasn't very well published; even I couldn't tell you what it was.

Comment Re:Well that sucks for us in the SF/SJ area (Score 2) 241

The demographics of the KC Metro reflect aspects of a lot of other cities. We have our affluent and tech savvy neighborhoods, our economically depressed areas, a bit of everything. We also have city governments who are being very flexible in this, and making it easier for Google to roll out their test bed. Plus, the metro is dominated by two of the biggest service providers effected by this experiment - Time Warner Cable in the city proper, and Comcast in outlying metro areas. Remember, part of the purpose of this is to show that this sort of rollout is viable, which can serve as evidence in their own net neutrality efforts (mainly, against end service providers trying to charge content providers for access to their users).

Comment Re:I'd still stick with DSL (Score 2) 263

It's mostly Time Warner they are competing with here.. hey, and guess who's channels are missing from the initial line up of offerings?

Consider the cheapest option, though... $300 upfront (or $25/month for 1 year - hey, free financing!) for 7 years of 5down/1up. That comes out to $3/month for better than DSL speeds (at least last I checked, which has been a while...)

Comment Re:Cargo Cult (Score 1, Informative) 349

Just like we Americans TV did to The Office, right?

There's plenty of hit and miss both ways. I've been suck into too many episodes of Law and Order (eh, it's a small vice), but Law and Order UK? Pass. And why the hell did they feel they needed Geordie Shore? Someone over there saw jersey Shore and thought that it was a good idea?

Fun reading:

Comment Re:It's a fact (Score 2) 272

So, he's complaining about the number of idiots posting he saw on a site designed to filter out all posts but what you are looking for, on which he looked specifically for idiots posting? Am I reading that correctly?

Sort of like someone I know non Christian) who went to see a production of Jesus Christ Superstar and liked it for the most part, except for all of the crosses in it.

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