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Comment Re:Did the right thing... (Score 2) 454

1) Yes, getting a DNR tattoo would be insane if you didn't really mean it.
2) It's not a legal document because there are no signatures, no notarization, and if you start treating one tattoo as a legal document, you have to start treating ALL of them that way. There's nothing to "prove." It simply is not a legally binding agreement/contract.
3) No, because they did not have access to the DNR documentation at the time. In this case they had to go through unusual channels to get the document, and acting on a DNR requires that you have the official, notarized DNR documentation.
4) It doesn't matter what the intention/point of the tattoo was from the patient's point of view. It's not a legal document, and that's just a fact.

Comment Did the right thing... (Score 5, Insightful) 454

For all they knew, the tattoo could have been an artifact of previous poor life choices, and nothing more than a joke. A tattoo is not a legal document. Imagine if it HAD been a joke, and the family sued the pants off the hospital for denying treatment to their family member without a formal DNR request?

It sounds like they did pretty much everything right, and ultimately obtained the legal documentation that stated he definitely was a DNR.

Comment Re:Good leadership at the helm... (Score 3, Insightful) 142

Sounds like you're quoting a bunch of ignorant drivel from the Vista days...

- It's extremely fast. It cold boots for me in 5 seconds after posting is complete. I'd also like to see your competing system run graphics intensive tasks using the latest and greatest graphics hardware and even have a chance of competing. "Slow" is about the stupidest and most ignorant claim about Windows 10 that I've ever heard.
- Installing software is a nightmare? I guess clicking an icon and clicking "Next" is too complex for some people... Definitely SO much harder than mounting a virtual drive on your machine, extracting an app from it, dragging that app to an arbitrary folder (or running an installer), and then unmounting the drive.
- "I can't move an app after I install it!" is a fake complaint and probably identifies you as an angry mac user. You never move an app after you install it anyway, and don't lie and pretend you do. They sit right in the Applications folder the way they always have. That's not an issue.
- Are you really complaining that there's a welcome screen after major OS updates that says "Hi!"? Apple plays a frigging theme video after their major OS updates, and Linux often just indiscriminately breaks or uninstalls half the crap you had installed.
- The "List of installed apps" is only confusing if you're a toddler. It's an alphabetized list of your installed apps. If that doesn't make sense to you, then you very well may be beyond help. Compare that with a mac, and you end up with garbage files spewed all over your Library that you know nothing about, and are effectively there forever, even if you decide to get rid of the application itself. Even most linux distros do a better job of keeping track of the mess they makes.
- Windows was free for me, five times over, and whether or not something is "cool" is irrelevant to how good it is at its job. Skateboards are cool. They also suck as cross country vehicles.

Comment Re:Good leadership at the helm... (Score 2, Interesting) 142

No, it's not embarrassing. They make a better desktop OS than Apple or any Linux desktop at the moment. I don't even view that as an "opinion." Having spent loads of time in all of them, it's just the current state of affairs.

Maybe if Apple gets their collective heads out of their rears, or if a Linux distro finally decides what it wants to be, that might change.

Comment Good leadership at the helm... (Score 5, Interesting) 142

It can't be understated how good of a job MS has done with Win10 and the company's direction as a whole in the past few years. Placing Nadella at the helm, and getting rid of Balmer has been a real boon to the company. I know this probably makes me sound like a MS shill, but having spent multiple years in the Linux desktop scene, macOS, and windows, the current windows OS is by far the best OS I've ever used.

While the target of 1B devices might be a little bit of a pipe dream, they still have another year to hit their goal, and if they don't, it's not like it's even remotely a failure.

I still can't deny that Ubuntu 17.10 is very tempting though...

Comment Re:What a Blu-per (Score 1) 81

The bottom line is that you can buy a pretty decent entry-level Blu android phone for about a hundred bucks.

The vast majority of the world has ZERO idea what goes on in tech news. They just walk into best buy, or browse amazon, and see what looks to be a pretty good phone for a relative bargain.

Comment Re: Baby Goes Whaaaaaaaa! (Score 1) 172

No, I'm a grown adult who has made that decision when I needed to on several occasions. I'm just not entitled and whiny when things don't go my way... Know what happens when companies lose their good employees to greener pastures? The companies either learn from their mistakes, or they go under. A strike is a temper tantrum, nothing more.

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