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Comment Still doesn't really help the general industry (Score 3, Insightful) 18

Microsoft is hedging the argument by hitting previously non-competitors, instead of their big competitor.
The reality is anti-trust laws need to be revised to separate platform from offerings-on-platform in tech.
If you have a platform, you shouldn't be able to ALSo sell things on that platform. Split the company. It removes conflicts of interest.

Comment Re:Already Compromised (Score 3, Interesting) 30

The burden of proof for financial transactions is completely ass-backwards.
It's on you to prove you DIDN'T do something, not on the banks to prove you DID.

Authorization/signatures is one place where public blockchain makes a lot of sense.
I've love to tell all the banks:

The only way I'm accepting financial liability for a contract for debt is if it has a signature for that contract on this public blockchain, with my key.

The burden of proof is back on them at that point. I have a cryptographic proof mechanism to approve these things, and anything else is fraud.

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