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Comment All I Need to Know: (Score -1) 282

A bunch of high-profile people are taking what was until this year a very safe drug, while out of the other side of their mouth telling me how dangerous it is, how it doesn't work, and how it's going to kill me.

So, like most things, I look at what people are *doing*, not what they're *saying*. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

It sounds like the .01% just wants the cure all to themselves. Find me one study that shows that this drug kills people on the regular (published before January of 2020 of course) and maybe I'll look a little deeper, but until then, it sounds cut and dried like more class warfare from the elites who don't want the rabble having a cheap and effective cure. Have you ever seen the media go full-court-press against *any* drug regardless of how bad its side effects are? No, they advertise much more dangerous ones on the breaks in between the hit pieces on this drug.

Before this year, prescribing drugs off label was as common as a McDonalds hamburger and nobody gave a shit. It was between a doctor and a patient what drugs were prescribed, and that was that. Now it's this whole "not FDA approved for COVID" bullshit they push on the daily, trying to scare the shit out of us proles, and it stinks to high hell. Anyone who doesn't see it is a fucking idiot. They push these rigged studies about how it'll kill you and it's a joke.

I learned in the 6th grade I can make the outcome of any experiment say whatever I want by controlling the inputs. I faked entire science projects that won awards at regionals. I honed my skills as I progressed through college, but there's one thing I do know: trust nothing you haven't verified yourself because someone always has an agenda. I lost faith in "science" (the research-and-journal type pushed in the universities) because of how easy it is to lie and fake your way through, sneaking past people who should really be smart enough to be able to detect the bullshit. I think sometimes they even did, but as long as you're saying the "correct" thing, they look the other way.

At any rate, this will be downvoted to -1 shortly, but just remember: My Body, My Choice.

Comment Re:Tick-Tock for Trump (Score 1) 470

You liberals and your fucking fan fiction is getting out of hand. Or whatever the opposite of "fan" fiction is.

Actively rooting against there being a cheap, easy solution to a problem has to be a manifestation of some kind of strange mental deficiency.

And yeah, you don't need to take a drug for 4 years to stop a viral infection, just long enough to give your body the opportunity to fight it off and build up an immunity. But you knew that since you're such a medical expert, anyway.

Comment Re:Stop it! Stop it NOW! (Score 1) 284

So we have a ton of evidence that it works in a petri dish. And we have a bunch of evidence (ok, sure, anecdotal) that it works in humans. What's the problem trying it again? In the middle of a pandemic where we have no hope?? Oh that's right, it's unsafe.

Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases

Or is it as deadly as fish tank cleaner?

Comment Re:Stop it! Stop it NOW! (Score 1) 284

I've been working in drug discovery for over 40 years so I have a little insight into this. There is so much bullshit being posted by morons on HCQ and this and that trial. This is not the place to post yet another half-ass study. Stick to computers and stuff. You're not helping anything here.

Yes, so much bullshit.

What have you been doing for the last 15 years then out of those 40? Our own government's researchers from the CDC, along with Canadians from the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal have known since 2005 that Chloroquine (and its derivative Hydroxychloroquine) is very effective against coronaviruses, namely SARS-Cov1. Considering that SARS-Cov2 shares roughly 80% of its genetic material with SARS-Cov1, I wouldn't call it "bullshit" being posted by "morons".

It sounds like a tool we should be using instead of shutting down the greatest economic engines the world has ever seen waiting for a vaccine that will never happen because a vaccine for a coronavirus has never been proven possible.

Unless, of course, you consider the CDC and the IRCM to be morons. In the case that they ARE morons, there's no hope to stop any global pandemic anyway, and we should then just get on with our lives.

Comment When did the world become so weak? (Score 1) 90

Seriously. When did everyone become so domesticated that they can't handle someone saying things they dont like on the internet? Or in real life?

When did life become a competition to see who can be the biggest complainer? The biggest weakling?

Living in a world where you strive to be as helpless as possible, as thin skinned as possible. Where there always has to be an authority figure to protect you and take care of you. Where you drive around alone in a car with HEPA air filtration but put a mask on to show everyone else how scared you are.

If that's what everyone wants, I'm not going to tell them to stop. The majority has won out, and that's cool, its what happens in society. I'm not lamenting some loss of a "better time" or think we need to make anything "great again". But are people really happy living in a world where the only competition is to see who is the biggest coward?

Comment Re:Open Question (Score 1) 77

So it was proven to work on the last SARS coronavirus we saw. And there's a consensus among the anecdotal evidence from the current SARS coronavirus that it probably works.

But we definitely need 5 years of double-blind placebo controlled studies before we prescribe it to anyone with the current disease. How much are they paying you per post to keep the shutdown going?

By the way, "prescribing for alternate use" is called using a drug off-label, and doctors have been doing exactly that forever. It is not "abusing the system" you absolute fuckwit. Even if this drug (or the combination of this plus the antibiotic) was hypothetically only 10-15% effective, although it's probably much higher than that-why wouldn't you want this used to flatten the curve by 10-15%? Something stinks here.

Comment The main problem here (Score 4, Interesting) 151

Is that the combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin is more of a prophylaxis than a cure. It gets rid of the disease before it has a chance to take hold. With the new fast tests available, these drugs (don't forget the Azithromycin to knock out the secondary infections before they overrun the immune system) should be prescribed at the first sign of developing COVID infection. They seem to knock things out right quick.

The thing is, once you're in the hospital having trouble breathing it's about 50/50 that you're as good as dead regardless of what you take. Hence the panic about ventilators. Wouldn't it be better to not need the ventilators at all? Why wait until someone is hospitalized when they can be cured early and greatly increase their chance of survival?

It seems like such a no-brainer that I am confused why everyone is so against it. The malaria drug is well tolerated, it's commonly used as a prophylactic before international travel to countries where it is uncontrolled (it only causes the bad side effects after long-term use such as for Lupus or RA at high dosages), and the other drug is a well known safe antibiotic. Even if it only has a 50% chance of knocking out the infection? Wouldn't it be worth it?

Comment Re:Simple (Score 4, Insightful) 504

Yet these people place belief so far over science that they cannot even see science anymore and mistake it for a competing belief. But in most basic things, they do accept science or they would kill themselves by accident pretty fast. It is like these people have a subconscious base-mind that accepts science and keeps them alive (well, mostly), and a conscious moron that will strongly believe in any and all fairy-tales their great leader spouts (even if frequently changed) and that does not even attempt basic fact-checking for some reason. How can you live like that?

There are 82 genders though, right?

Comment Re:Democracy (Score 1) 504

Jesus fucking Christ you morons are willfully ignorant. Grow the fuck up, get out of your mom's basement and read a civics book.

We do not have a direct democracy in the US. The system here in our constitutional republic produced the correct result spot-on.

Just because the illiterate urban youth or coastal elites wanted to elect murderous scum, doesn't mean we get to let murderous scum become president. The rest of the country who hadn't lost their sanity voted for someone else, and enough people in enough states agreed.

That's how it fucking works. Don't like it? You can go to any number of third-word banana republics or communist dictatorships where the elections always produce the "correct" result like you want.

Comment Re: So how bad is the virus really? (Score 3, Interesting) 44

Good job not addressing the point of the post you responded to. An cruise ship is not the best place to take care of sick/dying patients. There is little in the way of medical supplies, food/nourishment, medical personnel. On that quarantined ship, in what would be one of the worst possible test conditions if you had have an outbreak of disease, the death rate was 2 in 6000, or 0.033%, far far below that of any common influenza outbreak. Im not trying to discount the seriousness of this virus, but how do you equate a 0.033% with the doom and gloom of your post? Are you being intentionally obtuse or do you sell preppier supplies, or whats the deal?

People should be washing their hands, taking their vitamins being careful not to spread germs all the time, so I donâ(TM)t disagree with that sentiment in the lesser. But how do you get this âoeoh man itâ(TM)s comingâ attitude from such an insignificant death rate from what weâ(TM)ve seen?

Something is really fishy about all this. There seem to be tens of thousands of deaths, if not more, in China. But in the wild the disease seems fairly benign from all accounts.

So, is it a genetically engineered bioweapon that only affects the Chinese? Are the Chinese engaging in a regular Communist purge of dissidents under the guise of the virus? Or are our screening procedures working so well in the rest of the world that the virus is just being kept out?

Something doesnâ(TM)t add up, between the quiet panic of large organizations combined with the relative calmness of the usually excitable news media (which usually points to something really bad, as otherwise it would be hyped by the media and ignored by large organization) and the lack of real information out there, I doubt anyone will ever really know what is happening.

Comment Re:Get Vote Now! (Score 1) 115

No one is going to download an app with a name like that. How 20th Century to actually name it what it does, without any clever misspellings or omission of vowels!

No, you would have to call it Voht. Or maybe VOT with a line over the o to denote the hard vowel sound. Nah, but that's too confusing to most people they wouldn't understand.

How about Elctn? Lect? Or Elecshun. That last one is a little too "Idiocracy", but maybe we're ready for that now. Be on the cutting edge!

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