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Comment Re:Reversed Rolls (Score 1) 227

I spent a season working for an outdoor organization that had unisex toilets and showers. Its a bit odd at first to be sitting on the pot reading the morning newspaper and to hear cheery female voices calling "Good Morning, Irv" over the top of the paper. But like most things, I got quickly got used to it and didn't give it a second thought.

These days, I have a wife and two mini schnauzers, and peacefully using the bathroom as a reading room is out of the question. One gripes about it and the other two keep beating me on the legs with their toys.

Comment Re:And once again (Score 4, Interesting) 311

While on one of my long distance hikes, I would occasionally pass a country store and purchase a 24 oz can of a never before heard of brand of beef stew. I would pour this into my pot, add a cup of minute rice and some beef bouillon and top with a cup of water. Heated, this made a quart and a half of murky grayish brown gruel. It was a real treat and the pot was licked clean.

At home, I can not even look at a plate of this concoction, much less eat it.

Nothing like the ambiance of the mountains, day after day of dehydrated crud for food to make anything different a tasty feast fit for the gods.

Comment Not all students are idiots (Score 3, Insightful) 895

The students who actually study the issues will see the differences of opinion and fact, and draw their own conclusions.Those who just accept the printed information usually do not care one way or the other.

As the students raise through the educational system, they will be exposed to other viewpoints, and can decide for themselves.

There is an assumption in these posts that all students in Texas are no more than blank screens waiting for the bigots of this view or that to propagandize them into mindless conformity. When the hell have teens been in conformity to anything adults value?

I believe that the Texas School Board is doing nothing but posturing for future political purposes.

Comment Re:Who determines what your job will be? (Score 1) 1138

And with limits on education

There is no limit on anyone's education. Time spent in any institution does not always result in an education.

The world is full of semi-literate louts who have acquired a bachelors degree in something or other, and yet failed to gain an education.

In other news, a masters is the minimum requirement to fill the position of village idiot.....

Comment Re:infernal machines (Score 1) 419

Dropping the a-bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima is akin to dropping nerve gas on Frankfurt and Hamburg.

not so. Never gas doesn't do any infrastructure damage. Even if the buildings have no relevance to the war, the view of total obliteration is enough to really change your perception of the current situation. However, I'm willing to bet that they dropped those bombs in strategic locations so as to best slow down the military industry in Japan.

Comment Re:run away (Score 1) 344

Here's the damages: More than one person who has been hired by my firm has been fired for a falsified CV/résumé (here's a thought - why is it that US wants to use a French name, and the UK wants to use Latin? (Curriculum vitae) - pretty screwy...I thought we both used English, but hey...) . We check *everything* you put down. If it says that in 1988 you worked for 3 months in a pizza parlour, it gets backtracked and checked. If it doesn't add up, that's're out. No "if...". No "but...". How would you like to be just settling into your job 6-7 weeks in, only to be frog-marched to the door and ejected? I can't believe this stuff still goes on...

Comment Re:Incorporate domain name into applicaiton names (Score 1) 121

My theory is that Apple lost because Windows had more apps. While, I use Windows and Linux, Windows has more apps than Linux in the desktop environment.

When it came to supporting more hardware, making development easier, having better APIs/docs, being more open, supporting 3rd party devices, being more cost affective, having more choices and soon on is how Windows won the race to get the most applications. Which in turn is why it won the war for desktop market share.

But those are the very reasons that I am predicting that Android will dominate shortly in the PDA/mobile market. It supports more hardware, it makes development easier, it makes licensing easier, it supports more 3rd party devices, it is more cost effective, it offers more choices and so on. Apple is in the lead today, just like the Apple ][ was in the lead in the earlier 80s and lost so to will the iPhone. Sure it will be cool and trendy, but it will not be the market leader.

Just like their closed minded ways hurt them eventually in the desktop space, so will it hurt them in the mobile space. Now there are things they could start soon to fend off the threat, for instance they could invest time in allowing development from just Intel based Macs to various OSes, like Windows and Linux as well. They could try to expand to additional carriers when the AT&T exclusive offer period ends, they could open up and allow programs to run background services, widgets, run-time environments, emulators and whatnot. They could work to expand 3rd party device support, etc. But that is not who Apple is, they are little fascists who need to control everything, the benefit is that there is less to break or go wrong with products, but for me, I prefer freedom to safety any day, so cannot see the iPhone winning in the long run, but perhaps more people prefer to give up freedom these days for things to just work and I am completely wrong. Time will decide, not a /. flame war.

Comment You correct it. (Score 3, Interesting) 344

You correct it. You take your lumps with this employer. And you drop the guy who hacked your resume.

It's OK so shorten your resume. It's not OK to falsify anything on it.

You should have dropped 'em the first time. Now that you know this guy fakes resumes you should never touch him again.

You may be having trouble now because there's two versions of your resume getting to some HR departments and you're flagged as a fake. If you keep getting no-replies you may need to include a cover letter explaining that a(n unnamed) headhunter had previously "enhanced" your resume and circulated this false version, that this one is true and correct, and you no longer do business with him.

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