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Comment Re:$10/mo? (Score 1) 263

$99/year is a common marketing tactic for these type of deals. Considering MS Office is $149/yr for EVERYTHING that's no such a bad deal if I get my OS+Office for a low price.

  It's a business expense, write it off on your taxes folks, I do it every year and save a fortune.

Comment $10/mo? (Score 1) 263

I get lifetime upgrades for my OS, full support, full office, straight up professional support for $10/mo or $99/yr? I'm in. It's a small price to pay to keep all my PC's going strong and not have to worry about going EOL and buying a new OS license every 2-3 years.

It'll come down to the price and if it's feasible on the wallet.

Comment You gotta be shitting me... (Score 1) 45

This is a thing? This is needed? Why? Why not keep the firmware on the car updated more often so you don't have some tard with a bluetooth dongle open up the door in your 100k BMW?

Youtube has massive examples of this and it's more the blame of the Car Manufacturers than anything else for shitty programming.

Comment Bundle it with Xbox LIve (Score 2) 142

Give me more games per month on xbox live and make sure I can play them forever on xbox live. Charge an additional 9.99$/mo to give me games on release day that I can play as long as I have an active XBL account. Honestly once I beat a game there's very little reason I need to keep it on my shelf, in my system, or other type of media. I have HORDES of old games that collect and the chance of me playing .0001% of them is slim to none.

I'll take a modern service that gives me all my content+new content for a very low monthly rate.

Comment They all have Master's Degrees Already... (Score 5, Insightful) 352

when i worked at a major telecom all the Indian 'developers' had Master's degrees at the minimum. This would qualify them for 'highly skilled' technical jobs as the degrees themselves state as much.

Now they couldn't code worth a damn, the libraries they included in the code ballooned the code base, and god help you if you needed documentation. They were some of the worst 'developers' I've ever met and 1/10 was decent enough to not build code that didn't melt the servers down. The whole reason we had a team of 5 System Admins supporting 2 floors of developers was because of their shoddy coding skills. It was great job security.

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