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Comment Terrible summary (Score 1) 178

You missed the beginning of the sentence, which was "Responding to questions from Alaska Sen." So your reading skills should have told you that the period after "Sen" was abbreviating Senator and not ending the sentence.

And here at Slashdot we all know what HAARP is.

Comment Re:Oh no (Score 1) 178

> just moved to a dark site

And they'll be right! Actually, "other ways to manage" probably means they've found a way to dramatically cost-reduce (and miniaturize) the ionosphere-controlling device. Something to fit on one of the big ships. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Comment Why Opera? (Score 1) 381

I've been using Firefox since version 0.3. (I think it was called Phoenix then.) I'd had both a Mac and a PC croak and got an old Mac Mini for my new desktop. It's plugged into my TV with a keyboard and mouse across the room. Sadly, the Mac display is too small and you can't scale it up! Instead of zooming up every page, I switched to Opera, which will let me set it to load every page at 150%. That's why I use Opera now.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Evolving the Mac Mini

So... when this Mac was delivered (mid-2007), it was running Tiger. The previous owner upgraded it to Leopard. It was running the same OS as my old iMac; i.e., 10.5.8. So all the apps were Universal. When I got my iMac from Leigh, it was running the OS it had been supplied with, Panther. I never picked up Tiger but, when the Intel chips came along, I realized that the last OS I'd be able to run was Leopard so I went out and bought it at the Apple Store on the last day it was available! The da

User Journal

Journal Journal: New old Mac Mini

Perhaps I should use this journal as my tech diary. Seems a reasonable idea so here goes....

Having had both my 800MHz G4 iMac AND my HP pizza box P4 croak on me. I've lost something like my last 10 years of data. I _have_ now DL'd my Contacts from Hotmail and will use that to somehow populate my Contacts file on the new machine. Here's the deets on that.

Comment Hmmm..... (Score 1) 330

Since Skype will stop working with *_the webcam that is integral to my netbook_*, I have to think that they're trying to limit Skype usage to devices that have full GPS built-in, such that the spooks might locate us more precisely. It's particularly troublesome because I bought the netbook FOR NO OTHER REASON than to do video Skype! Bozos. A pox upon all their houses. And yet... it was not even for this reason that I bought a Mac Mini on Halloween. I got that because my 1GB netbook, which can only be expanded to 2GB, runs Win7 Starter, which will refuse to see more than 1GB unless I give Bill another $90 (or more). Bill's seen me coming too many times. Hello, Mac Mini!

Artificial Blood Made In Romania 232

First time accepted submitter calinduca writes "Artificial blood that could one day be used in humans without side effects has been created by scientists in Romania. The blood contains water and salts along with a protein known as hemerythrin which is extracted from sea worms. Researchers from Babe-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, hope it could help end blood supply shortages and prevent infections through donations." Wikipedia's entry on hemerythrin explains its unusual oxygen binding mechanism.

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