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Comment Err... (Score 1) 176

High school diploma, BA/MA/PHD technical certifications, wedding ring, etc. are all pretty much achievements.
Life is full of times when you get stupid pieces of paper or random objects that show that you've done something. Might be something useful/positive (PHD), negative (prison record), or only really of interest to you (photo of the person who had a summer fling with), but it's all the same thing. Video game achievements are just an attempt to replicate the "see, i did that!" aspect of real life - albeit in a way that stimulates people's competitiveness.

Comment Re:Of course it is. (Score 1) 769

That pretty much reflects my experience getting a basic FTP running on ubuntu a few years back. Crappy documentation and self-riteous zealots forming too much of the existing userbase made the process a nightmare. The latter is also one of my biggest complaint about Macs.

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