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Comment Re:If it can be charged, it's probably sensitive (Score 1) 66

While minimizing the footprint for attack is the best way to handle the data, it is still at risk from internal threats. The isolated system still has a management interface, and people who develop/maintain it. Not to mention with "cloud" services being all the rage today, it's probably hosted on a VPS that god knows who owns the hardware. Nothing stops the provider from getting hacked, and then the whole VPS getting copied out.

There is no way to fully secure shared data. You can only mitigate as much risk as possible.

Comment Intro vs Extroverts (Score 1) 183

It simply comes down to your social comfort levels. For extroverted people, working in teams and an open space make great sense. For the introverts, we want to left the fuck alone. We don't need a "team", we're to the right of the curve and adding "help" just slows us down. All this study shows is the correlation that introverts are the HPEs.

Comment Alarm fatigue - People just don't care any more (Score 3, Insightful) 308

It's mostly alarm fatigue. Constantly we're berated with news about how our rights are eroding and the government is working against us. While much of it is very true, until it extends to the point of interfering with the common citizens daily life, they won't care.

People are sheep. You can shave their coats and even pick off a few to slaughter, as long as the heard is large enough to feel anonymous, they really have no reaction. It's not until the sheep feel like they're the next in line do they care.

Comment ESP-12 and Orange Pi (Score 1) 83

At the base level, the HiFive 1 is a powerful microcontroller with a lot of Flash, with support for hundreds of Arduino libraries. That’s great, and alone this might be worth the $60 price of admission.

These "Open" projects will always have a hard time when they have a price tag of $60. Who's buying a microcontroller for that? I can buy a retarded number of ESP-12 chips for this, or even go with 8 much beefier Orange Pi Zeros.

Comment Re:Wait! (Score 1) 207

My thoughts exactly.... Plus, why would I have sound unmuted. That's just asking for a bunch of porn ads to start blasting out moans and that hot married women near me want to bone.

Yes, the technique has a degree of merit in that it may work, but it's another one of those solutions that will only catch the dumbest of the dumb.

Comment Re:The real reason for the digitalization (Score 1) 303

Not quite.... they want more channels so they can sell more ads. Sure, some paid sub channels may pop-up, but I would suspect they instead want more channels to play their back catalogs of content and generate more ad revenue.

If broadcast services wanted to force a paid only model, then ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox would have turned off their antennas ages ago. The radio networks (iHeartMedia) have the same business model and want that same ad money.

Comment Re:Why does no-one do a prerelease APK (Score 1) 44

Perhaps he was thinking of the opposite situation, where demand is high and their servers can't cope (like Pokemon Go) they can then arrange extra server capacity in advance.

Exactly. And I realized after the fact that the Play store does actually have a rerelease feature. Mario Run is already in there.

Comment Re:LibreElec (Score 4, Insightful) 28

LibreElec is the well supported fork that left OpenElec because the brand owner was an asshat.

You know, typical open source solution to the problem of the brand being owned by an idiot or being bought by Evil Corp.
Netscape -> Mozilla -> FireFox
MySQL -> MariaDB
OpenOffice -> LibreOffice
Cyanogenmod -> Lineage OS

I'm sure there are PLENTY others

Comment Why does no-one do a prerelease APK (Score 1) 44

I'm a bit surprised these companies that have the hype don't post a prerelease APK to the store that can just be updated to the actual game upon it's official launch. How hard would it be to have a shell of an app get preinstalled. This could get them the sale early and they could even send a push notification once it's been updated to the demo/full version. It could even include a mini-game or animation of the game being played.

At a minimum, it would help them gauge the demand upon launch.

Comment Re:WTF??? "... first championed by Spotify" (Score 1) 87

That's like saying VHS championed the video cassette tape, even though Betamax did all the hard work. How was Spotify anything other then the young energetic one that came in once the fight was lost and just took credit. Pandora was around for years championing that fight, proving their was a market/demand for the service. Spotify was just like "look at Pandora and company, this is what customers want. If you don't give it to them, they'll just pirate it. We know, because we've helped them do it."

It's like saying Brutus killed Cesar and the other 22 stabs wounds had nothing to do with his death.

Comment Re:not loyalty (Score 1) 191

Cyanogenmod is just getting a rebrand to Lineage OS. Even if that team completely exploded, whoever is the number two ROM would just get a huge influx of devs as it becomes the new number 1 choice.

Not to endorse piracy, but as for "the community will provide" look at how these sites progress
Look at Piratebay -> KAT -> ExtraTorrent

If there comes a time when ALL major manufactures lock their phones so tight we can't install custom roms, the "community" will surely just kickstart their own open design. Today's phones are so common in form/function that it wouldn't even be hard. A small team of subject matter experts could collaborate on a design then send it to china to be built. As long as Gapps is easy to install, it wouldn't take any effort to sell to the Android elitist community.

Honestly, I'm just surprised there isn't a good one out there already. The Nexus line has probably helped keep that at bay. We'll see how things go with the Pixel brand.

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