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Amazon Report Predicts Pet Translation Devices By 2027 ( 143

An anonymous reader writes: Devices that can talk to our pet dogs and cats could be less than 10 years away, according to a report Amazon commissioned that was co-authored by futurist William Higham. "Innovative products that succeed are based around genuine and major consumer needs," Higham wrote, noting the tremendous amounts already spent on our pets, and concluding, "Somebody is going to put this together." Amazon already sells one dubious device that converts human voices into meows using samples from 25 cats, according to the Guardian. (One reviewer who tested the device wrote that "the cat seems puzzled.") But Amazon's report also cites the work of Con Slobodchikoff, a professor emeritus in Northern Arizona University's biology department, who spent 30 years studying the behavior of prairie dogs. Slobodchikoff discovered prairie dogs have different words for colors and for species of predators, and is now already raising money to develop a translation device for pets.
Although Slobodchikoff concedes that "With cats I'm not sure what they'd have to say. A lot of times it might just be 'you idiot, just feed me and leave me alone.'"

Comment Re: Americans Are Ignorant, Possibly Stupid. (Score 1) 146

So, you admit that people murder even though it is against the law?

In spite of what you might see in the movies no government entity issues licenses to kill.

Would you believe that there are 10 states in the USA that do not require a license to carry dangerous weapons like firearms? You shouldn't because the actual number is closer to 30. This wasn't always the case but people realized that the license did not make people safe, training did, enforcement did. People don't need a license to get training, and the police don't need people with pieces of plastic in their pockets to enforce the law.

You fail to understand that licensing is what is used to indicate that training has occurred. Without it, how does one know if training has occurred?


FCC Refuses To Release Text of More Than 40,000 Net Neutrality Complaints ( 64

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: The Federal Communications Commission has denied a request to extend the deadline for filing public comments on its plan to overturn net neutrality rules, and the FCC is refusing to release the text of more than 40,000 net neutrality complaints that it has received since June 2015. The National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) request in May of this year for tens of thousands of net neutrality complaints that Internet users filed against their ISPs. The NHMC argues that the details of these complaints are crucial for analyzing FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's proposal to overturn net neutrality rules. The coalition also asked the FCC to extend the initial comment deadline until 60 days after the commission fully complies with the FoIA request. A deadline extension would have given people more time to file public comments on the plan to eliminate net neutrality rules. Instead, the FCC yesterday denied the motion for an extension and said that it will only provide the text for a fraction of the complaints, because providing them all would be too burdensome.

Comment Re:Assholes!!! (Score 1) 330

Why wouldn't a career politician want a shot at being VP? Granted, it's kind of the 1st Runner Up Consolation Prize in the political beauty pageant, but if that's as close as you think you'll ever get, then I guess you take it. There's also the possibility that the GOP knew a populist Trump was their only way in, knew he'd probably get ousted at some point, maybe even planned on throwing him under the bus when the time was right, so they'd get Dominionist ultra-conservative Pence in the Big Chair. It's a bit Machiavellian but it's plausible.

I don't think the GOP necessarily wanted Trump at all, I was just talking about Pence's reason for taking the VP. Most people thought Trump was a third rail and would kill your political future. If Trump had lost, would Pence ever be heard from again?

Comment Re: Americans Are Ignorant, Possibly Stupid. (Score 1) 146

So, you admit that people can and do drive without a license? Also, you admit they had a license, and still drove poorly? I mean you cannot revoke a license if they had none in the first place.

If we cannot keep people from driving without a license then what purpose do they serve? It's not like the presence of the license makes them drive safely. All we are doing is making life inconvenient for the safe drivers. If at some point they prove to no longer be able to drive safely they are "asked" to not drive any more by taking away their license. We don't need the licensee to ask people to drive safely, or to ask them to not drive if they are incapable of driving safely.

Drivers are only a problem if they fail to drive safely, and we don't need a piece of plastic in their pocket to enforce safe driving.

So, you admit that people murder even though it is against the law? If we cannot keep people from killing what purpose does a law against it serve? It's not like a law against murder makes them not kill.

A licensing process shows that people are at least somewhat competent at driving. When they cease to be competent, their license is revoked so that they no longer permitted to drive. Eliminating licensing would definitely increase both the number of incompetent drivers and the level of incompetence.

Comment Re:Assholes!!! (Score 1) 330

Did you notice that Pence lawyered up a while back? He, apparently, is not completely stupid: he sees how much of a liability being involved with the current administration is to his political career and saw fit to get ahead of the whole thing as soon as possible; he's a career politician, through-and-through. Five bucks says when the axe falls, he's going to be standing aside of the conflagration, yelling like Ashe in the Bruce Campbell version of Army of Darkness "..hey, I don't even KNOW these assholes!". He'll step aside, co-operate fully with any further Senate an FBI investigations, and try to walk away as cleanly as possible -- or at least I hope that's what happens. I don't think Mike Pence should be POTUS, especially by default.

Of course Pence shouldn't be POTUS, much like Trump shouldn't be POTUS, but Pence is smart enough to be still standing when Trump gets the axe. I wonder if that's why he even agreed to be VPOTUS in the first place.

Comment Re:Assholes!!! (Score 1) 330

I guess I'm kinder than you are about it. Some of them 'think he can do no wrong'; some of them, as usual, thought he was the 'least worst' of two choices, and many of those are now regretting it, but keeping their heads down and their mouths shut, because they don't want to deal with it. Then there's some who thought he could be controlled, and they're finding out how wrong they were, too. HIs approval rating is currently 39% and dropping. As the reality sinks in it'll just get worse, and when all his promises and schemes are shown to be nonsense, the bottom will drop out. My greatest fear at this point is when they inevitably find the allegations of collusion are true and have to start removing the administration. I don't know what provisions we have in our system of government to handle something on that scale. Guess we'd have the Speaker of the House as POTUS?

If Ryan thought he could pull it off, I'm sure he'd go for it. But I suspect that Ryan doesn't think he has a realistic chance of getting rid of Pence, even if he could get rid of Trump. They're just thinking they can get their tax cuts passed with Trump; nothing else matters as much to them, though a few more right-wingers on SCOTUS is surely on their wish list.

Comment Re:Assholes!!! (Score 1) 330

There is no other way to put this: This is an ASSHOLE move by an ASSHOLE 'administration' being led by an ASSHOLE 'President' who continually demonstrates through actions that they don't give a flying FUCK about the average citizen, they only care about their agendas and their corporate and 1%-er cronies. Finding that they've been in bed with Russia the whole time and throwing the entire administration out on their ear can't come soon enough. 2020 elections can't come soon enough. How are you Trump-supporting idiots liking him and his minions now? You all like your privacy AT LEAST AS MUCH AS I DO, and they just took a BIG STEAMING DUMP all over the entire CONCEPT of your privacy, HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?

I don't think you understand his supporters. Haven't you noticed by now that they think he can do no wrong. No matter how bad it is, they don't care. He, himself, had it right when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and lose no voters. His supporters are just plain idiots and there's pretty much nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

Comment Re: Americans Are Ignorant, Possibly Stupid. (Score 1) 146

By most estimates there are millions of people driving without a license in the USA today. Seems to me that they are likely some of the safest drivers out there because they don't want to get caught.

Um, no. Many people driving without licenses do that because their license was revoked - and for good reason, like being a habitual drunk driver and smashing into things all the time.

Comment Re:Americans Are Ignorant, Possibly Stupid. (Score 1) 146

I imagine a large portion of the population don't even think much of the nonsense to show a driver license to get into a bar or buy a six pack at the grocery store.

I haven't shown an ID to buy alcohol in probably 25 years. Gray hair does that to you. Oh, and get off my lawn!


In America, Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country ( 996

An anonymous reader quotes the Chronicle of Higher Education: A majority of Republicans and right-leaning independents think higher education has a negative effect on the country, according to a new study released by the Pew Research Center on Monday. The same study has found a consistent increase in distrust of colleges and universities since 2010, when negative perceptions among Republicans was measured at 32 percent. That number now stands at 58 percent. By comparison, 72 percent of Democrats or left-leaning Independents in the study said colleges and universities have a positive impact on the United States... In the Pew Research Center's study, distrust of colleges was strongest in the highest income bracket and the oldest age group, with approval levels of just 31 percent among respondents whose family income exceeds $75,000 a year and 27 percent among those older than 65.

Comment Re:Cash is dangerous ... (Score 1) 660

... if you are a government that feels the need to monitor it's citizens every move. But for them to come out and say that cash is bad would just tip their hand. So they brainwash a few people into spreading the propaganda for them. With reasons like "You'll get robbed" and "Cash is only for illegal transactions".

Pretty soon, enough weak-minded people will believe this and plead with the government to please come and take their cash and replace it with something that leaves an audit trail.

Says the paranoid. Cash is just a nuisance. I have to get it from the bank or ATM (staked out by robbers) and manage how much is in my wallet. When I use a credit card, I get "cash back" ranging from 1% to 5%. I often get cards with 0% financing for up to 18 months. When a CC is stolen, the bank does all the work - I've had bad charges on my cards many times and have never had to do more than call the issuing bank or fax in a receipt. I don't give a flying fuck what the government or anyone else says about using cash or CC; I know that with CC's I get: cash back on all purchases, interest-free short-term loans; no unscheduled stops at the ATM.

Comment Re:Several reasons... (Score 1) 660

Welcome back to cash. That's the only way I roll. If someone steals my cash, that's all they've got; if someone gets my credit card, I'm not so sure. What really makes me wary are those card-not-present transactions that involve handing over that oh-so-secure CVV2 code printed right there on the back of the card.

As others have pointed out, I'm big on the online-bill-pay service at my bank. My payees get their money via ACH transfers and never see my credentials.

If they are getting ACH transfers, they have all the credentials they need.

Comment Re:Robbed by Bank with Late Fees & High Intere (Score 1) 660

Here in the US, you have to get a decent car. Last year, I actually worked at a place where the boss chose candidates on what they drove -- e.g. "This guy drives a BMW, he is well organized and has pride in himself, lets take him over the bloke with the pick-em-up truck." (They knew what people drove from the parking garage cameras.)

Maybe for the shit jobs. I'd never want to work for someone who made decisions on such shitty, irrelevant information.

Comment Re:A credit card isn't your money. (Score 1) 660

The nice part of paying in cash is that the transaction is over. I have been overcharged on my CC many times. Waiters giving themselves larger tips, fraud and other problems. If you do not keep all your CC receipts and check them against your CC bill and contest any discrepancies then how do you know you are not loosing money when you use your CC?

First, always keep all your CC receipts and always dispute any questionable charges. I've had many reversed and a few that were legit that I forgot about. Second, it's spelled "losing" you loser.

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