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Comment Conspiracy Theorists Right Again (Score 2, Interesting) 213

Those of us who have been pointing out since the beginning of this thing that there was piss-poor data separation between "with" and "from" were consistently called "conspiracy theorists", and now they're just shifting the numbers around to what we thought they should have been the whole time...

Comment Misinformation such as... (Score -1, Troll) 90

Misinformation such as thinking that it was a lab leak, that Fauci was involved in the research that led to the lab leak, that the lethality of the initial virus was 0.05% instead of 5%, that the vaccines carried a risk of heart issues and blood clots, that non-N95 masks do little to nothing to control the spread...And that's only the list I can think of in about 30 seconds of "misinformation" that people have been censored for that ended up being true. I'm sure I could think of a dozen more items to add to that list if I spent a bit longer on it.

Comment Also at odds with science: (Score 2) 217

Having a political motive for certain scientific outcomes, like determining that of course the virus didn't come from a lab, of course universal lockdowns are the best public policy to deal with this virus, of course cloth masks are effective and we all have to wear them, of course vaccines and vaccine mandates are the best and only way to treat and prevent this virus...

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