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Comment Not always (Score 1) 88

When my CC expired late last year, Amazon Prime Video cancelled my service -- even though I updated the details online after they sent me notification that the CC had expired. Netflix however, didn't do anything and I didn't update the details on their service - but they keep billing me.

So why does Netflix have auto-update but Amazon doesn't?

Crazy world!

Comment Re:Ah yes, cheap batteries (Score 1) 100

The increase I'm talking about is just in deployed capacity... it's a manufacturing and installation problem, not a technology problem, and it's manufacturing and installation (as well as demand) that is doubling deployed capacity every year, not technological changes. If you want to claim that the current rate of growth is going to stop it's incumbent on you to explain why it will change.

That said, I think you're wrong that the technology is "done". There is lots of very interesting research going on, in both new chemistries and in new manufacturing techniques.

Comment Re:Ah yes, cheap batteries (Score 1) 100

To buffer a single day in the US you need 261x the GLOBAL capacity added in 2023. To effectively electrify society you will at least have to double that again.

Sure. So? 10 years is almost certainly not enough to get us to that capacity, but 20 years is. Like most such things, installed battery capacity is likely following a sigmoid curve, and we're in the exponential phase, with an exponent of around 2. Assuming we didn't level off, 20 years would see global installed capacity increase about 1,000,000X.

Comment Re:Ah yes, cheap batteries (Score 4, Informative) 100

Now please drop me a link for an affordable powerwall alternative

Define "affordable". There certainly are plenty of Powerwall alternatives that are less expensive than Tesla's.

But that's not really the point of the article. The point is that battery prices have been dropping rapidly for a couple of decades now, and they're showing no sign of slowing. The point is that the cheaper batteries that will be available in the next 1-2 decades will make renewables cost effective as a full replacement for fossil fuels.

a replacement battery for my EV after its supposedly "immortal" battery dies after 5 years of use

If your battery dies after five years, it will be replaced for free under warranty because it's faulty. AFAICT all the manufacturer warranties are around 8 years.

However, it's really unlikely to happen. My 2011 Nissan Leaf's battery is still fine, though it only has about 80% of its original capacity, and the Leaf is about the worst case scenario since Nissan failed to implement thermal management. My four year-old Tesla still has 95% of its capacity.

Comment The FAA will have blood on its hands (Score 5, Interesting) 51

Where has the FAA been in all this?

Their attitude to Boeing seems to have been "Hey, we've got far too much coffee and donuts to get through here, you guys just certify your own planes"

The FAA has also spent an inordinate amount of time, money and resource regulating the recreational drone community when it always has been and remains the safest branch of aviation *ever*. To this date, not one person, anywhere on the planet has ever died as the result of the recreational use of multirotor drones -- yet, as Boeings fall apart over our heads and disaster looms as a result of ATC failures, the FAA's response is to have #DroneSafetyDay on April 27th.

What do I mean about ATC failures?

Watch this YouTube video from Juan Browne who is a seasoned airline pilot flying for a US airline. at 20:05 in the video he clearly states:

"at this rate of mistake making on behalf of ATC here in the domestic side of the US flying a terrible tragic accident is inevitable"

When a highly respected and experienced airline pilot issues a warning like that and backs it up with irrefutable evidence, the FAA should be dropping everything and fixing this problem.

Yet what are the FAA doing? #DroneSafetyDay -- trying to improve the safest form of aviation we've ever had whilst seemingly ignoring the real problems that have already claimed hundreds of lives and threaten to claim hundreds more.

Someone needs to be fired over this.

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