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Comment Re:Thank god (Score 1) 313

they are doing that. Quite stupidly tho. They are banning advertisements with common terms, such as BitTorrent which albeit being a trademark is also name of a common protocol. That's the term i best remember, but there was others, that's when i stopped AdWords completely.
In any case, adwords was worthless and over priced for us, didn't lead to enough sales to justify the cost (something like 100€+ per sale cost), one of the least effective advertising we have done. The very same ads, well same content, did elsewhere at best ~4.8€ cost per sale!
We tried probably 150 different ads.

Especially bad was advertising on other sites/"content partners" or whatever it was called, we spent a lot of money on that for exactly 0 sales.
Ads on google search atleast yielded some sales.

Also the management interface was a bit worse nowadays, some things wasn't as easy to do anymore. It used to be a lot simpler and easier.
Same problem has happened with google analytics, the new interface overcomplicates things (we have dozens of sites being monitored).

Comment Re:"Reliably better" (Score 1) 287

Am i really the only one thinking there is something wrong about that? oO;

And here i thought you were innocent until proven quilty AND you do not need to testify against yourself - That is including giving your passwords, ie. granting access to potentially incriminating evidence or at the very least giving up your privacy.

What's next, sentenced for not confessing to something you may have or may not have done?
Why not skip court all together.

Comment Re:Why government backing is needed: Tax payment (Score 1) 400

Both of you are WRONG.
Because it's not government backed means you don't loose value if you choose to save up. Goverment backed money looses value by printing of new money.
Sure you still need to pay taxes, but you can exchange BTC just for the tax amount and other necessities - sure government backed legal tender is still required, but guess what? Longer you hold on to BTC, more it's worth when exchanged for legal tender for tax payment due to inflation alone.

BTC is just not for scammers, launderers etc. at all, a lot of businesses accept it. and this is really good because BTC is deflationary instead of inflationary. That means BTC tends to gain value, instead of loosing value.

Also, sellers of anything, any merchants, not just physical goods, need to pay tax.

Comment Re:Pioneers (Score 1) 540

birth is death sentence. Don't get born if you don't like it.

and babies are going to be must for them, they will eventually get old, even if they are self sustainable now, does not mean they will forever remain self sustainable. Self sustainability is their goal eventually in any case

Comment Re:National vs. Commercial Interests (Score 1) 540

you are *FAR* from unprocted on motorcycle if you were the proper gear.
You have boots, gloves, helmet and the suit, all of them designed to protect you. Also as long as you don't hit something, you are likely just to have some really bad scrapes on your suit/helmed, and some bruises.

By your statement, anything that is fun should be banned.
Also motorcycles are fantastic for when you don't have a passenger or lots of luggage you need to haul. In comparison, using a car is kinda stupid, hauling a ton of extra weight (often literally and more), for absolutely no other reason than comfort.

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