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Comment Re:Too long? (Score 1) 290

Apple's products, especially accessories, are cheap crap and IMO designed that way in order to force the consumer to buy replacements. What other excuse can they possibly have other than greed for having non-standard video out ports on laptops requiring an adapter w/ a flimsy cord and that costs at least $30 to buy(probably 30 to make) to display the output. Their charger cords fail constantly also and they will make any excuse not to cover these things under warranty.

Comment Re:Hypocrisy much? (Score -1, Troll) 214

Isn't this what the MPAA and RIAA have been trying to do with SOPA/PIPA and all these other bills? I guess it's only ok when they do it though.

Well said! Just like all the crap being pulled by Democrats/Leftists in Congress and the White House is the same crap they said the GOP should burn in hell for. The difference being that the Democrats own print and TV media so they stay quiet when the Dems do it.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 498

I was pulled over on suspicion of DUI when I had not been drinking at all (I don't drink at all except for on very rare occasion...this was not one of them). The officer could see very quickly that I was not at all intoxicated and let me go. What he said led him to pull me over was what he described as erratic driving and when I explained that I was brand new to that area and had been given incorrect directions (it was also at night) to pick up a relative, that was the end of it.

I am not in favor of laws that try to preemptively prevent other crimes. If you hurt someone, then you should get charged w/ a crime...not before. Seat belts, DUI, cell's all the same. The government has no business telling people how to live their lives. They should only interfere if you cause harm to another person.

I will also say that I am lucky to live in an area that does not have mandatory DUI checkpoints.

Comment irresponsible (Score 1, Funny) 202

Why do people who gain such knowledge insist on pulling this kind of crap. Why not just attempt to disclose the bug to the site owners and let them fix it. If they refuse, post the info publicly to force their hand. Defacing a project on the site is like a 3 year finding a crayon and looking up and seeing that there's a wall to draw on.

Comment Re:uhhh. (Score 2) 410

Referencing the Founding Fathers' individual beliefs and opinions is illogical.

Wrong. It's quite logical as they were the ones who created the document that (in theory) governs us to this day. Therefore it is logical that we understand their beliefs and opinions in order to understand the constitution they wrote.

We have a democracy...

Wrong again. We have a representative least in theory. In practice we are nearing an elected dictatorship.

We have voting and majority rule...

Wrong a third time. We do have voting...but majority rule rarely decides anything in congress where anyone can "filibuster" or stop a bill from a vote simply by putting their name down on paper as such.

Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, and others had many beliefs, and often ended up disagreeing with each other. That's why the Constitutional Convention took months to write a relatively short document. That's why the US Constitution is full of compromises.

3 strikes and yet you aren't out. This statement is very insightful. It helps to explain a great many things in the constitution and it directly contradicts your statement that it is illogical to reference the beliefs and opinions of the founders. Half the stuff they put in there is because the smaller states were scared spitless that the larger ones would use their majority to impose their will on the minority. Sound familiar?

Interestingly enough, as originally designed, the federal government had only one part that was democratically elected. The US House of Representatives. That was the body that was supposed to be the direct voice of the general population. The Senate was the voice of the state governments (which in turn answered to the people of those states). The President was elected via Electors who answered to the states and the Vice President was the person who had the 2nd most electoral votes, regardless of party and the Supreme Court was provided as a means to balance power between Congress and the President.

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