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Comment Re:Included Eyeball Upgrade? (Score 1) 95

This is a misunderstanding.

Lets split this into two things: can you see the difference, and does it make you a better player.

I moved from 60Hz -> 85Hz -> 144Hz -> 280Hz and each time, I could see the difference. I know everyone on here is a contrarian, so let me expand. 280Hz is just a nicer experience to me: everything is very fluid feeling, there are fewer artifacts.

You can see a difference because your eyes are an additive input device and games can only render instants in time. You can't identify individual frames at that pace, but you will see all of the motion data as a blur that'll be a lot smoother than 60Hz would provide.

Movies get less benefit from high frame rate because a frame doesn't record an instant, it records a period (shutter speed). This encodes a lot of correct motion data into the frames themselves. I think this is part of where the 60Hz myth came from. But, the benefit is still there even then.

Okay, so you can see the difference. But does it make you a better player?

So long as you can manage it without large input latency (some games will try to render ahead -- big no-no), up to about 120Hz I think it does explicitly but only slightly make you a better player. Beyond that, I bet some esports pros could make some use of it but for normal people, it's all about the smoothness quality.

It really does provide a benefit, as a lifelong gamer there's been nothing quite like switching to modern OLED which has input latency that rivals or beats CRTs, framerates that rival LCDs without smearing, and image quality that beats them all.

Comment Re:The correct response (Score 1) 414

Tu quoque fallacy.

Frankly, I find the OP here too amenable to the presidents. The question they were asked was clearly about genocide, not some other term that might be ambiguous, and when they said it would only be illegal if it turned into conduct (which was clarified to mean exactly that - committing genocide) they reiterated that it would only be illegal once they tried murdering people.

There's just no defense for these presidents. They have to go.

Comment This is why OpenAI puts stupid moral limits on GPT (Score 1) 61

AI is only going to be as good as the instructions you give it. This is solved by some variant of giving the AI an instruction like "you will be honest and respect the law at all times".

This article is why OpenAI puts in such high guard rails. This is a very known issue that people with an agenda will frame however they want.

Comment Re:Screensavers are back baby! (Score 1) 47

OLED gets persisted images because the pixels wear out during use. A typical screensaver will not help here as it is just more "use". The way to "undo" the wear is actually just to level out the remaining pixels to a similar wear level.

This is entirely a game of avoiding wear in the first place whenever possible (pixel shift), making the wear as uniform as possible (full-panel maintenance refresh), followed by being leaving some voltage buffer to boost the brightness of worn pixels to match original levels and fix any interim non-uniformity.

Comment I think you have an outdated view (Score 1) 116

Kids who haven't developed taste yet can still just flood their case with rainbows. Easier now than ever, really. That's not who this motherboard is for, though, and it isn't what enthusiasts consider cool anymore -- it's just as gaudy to them as it is to you.

This part is going to be integrated into a really meticulously designed case with every part working together to create a theme that goes beyond just color. It'll perfect out of sight cabling, custom run water cooling, probably some action figures hanging around in or around the case.

They want performance, but also want it to look good. There's no reason you can't have both today.

(said as someone with my own PCs configured more like how you prefer... functional, performant, not loud or bright)

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