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Comment Slashdot hypocrisy (Score 1) 252

Twitter as a company decision decides to limit president Trump, and Slashdot cheers and says "Twitter is a private company, and they can do what they want."

Cox as a company decision decides to limit excessive data usage on a regional basis and Slashdot jeers and says "Twitter is a private company, and they are not allowed to do that!!"

Please explain the hypocrisy.

Comment It not just DJT, it is all conservatives (Score 1) 519

Twitter has been caught on video laughing and bragging that they shadowban conservatives. Twitter executives have been caught sending emails on how to best leverage the Twitter platform to get suppress the republican vote to ensure a democrat president. Twitter has been caught auto-deleting accounts for pro-conservative issues. However tweets that contain "Death to America!", Twitter has no problem with. "Burn Minneapolis!!", no problem.

Something does need to be done, and repealing the section of the law that unfairly is shielding them is a first good step.

Comment Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice... (Score 1) 256

The health department is not going to allow Tesla to reopen next week, and probably not in 2020. Elon Musk has been asking, and been given assurances, "next week for sure". As you say, this has been going on for weeks. Add this in to the cost of doing business in California, and eventually even someone like Elon Musk has to say "Enough." Building a new plant will hurt, but good managers look on the long term picture. A lot of businesses and individuals are doing the math, and moving. California has a net business exodus. California democrats are even laughing at Elon Musk, daring him, saying "F*** Elon Musk".

Elon Musk is probably thinking to those democrats "He who laughs last..."

Comment Re:Bray is wrong, Protesters should be fired (Score 1) 225

If he "tells you that you must do something" (as opposed to asking) that you feel you cannot do safely, then you can simply tell him (politely) where to shove it and refuse to comply.

Indeed, this is what I was originally saying. Employee are not slaves, and have the right to say exactly what you indicated. And employers have a right to say "We appreciate your time with our company. Unfortunately due to the current circumstances we are at this time terminating your employment with our company..."

This is United States, Land of the Free. Freedom for your actions do not preclude me from having freedom from mine. Put another way, freedom does mean freedom from the consequences.

Comment Re:Bray is wrong, Protesters should be fired (Score 0, Troll) 225

You seem to be very hostile. You are calling me names and trying to make it personal. Please focus on the debate.

Amazon pays all the taxes it is required to, every single penny. They have a astronomical amount of tax they are required to pay, and they have an astronomical number of legal deductions they use to reduce their tax load. And I don't begrudge them any deduction.

But if paying no taxes is so evil, what do you say to the many U.S. citizens that also pay no taxes because they don't make enough (I *think* the cutoff is under $45,000/yr filing single)? Are they evil? No. But you sure make it sound so bad not filing taxes. I call it generous and I celebrate giving some people a chance and not requiring them to pay taxes.

Comment Re: Bray is wrong, Protesters should be fired (Score 3, Informative) 225

You are close but incorrect, the key phrase is "An employer cannot fire an employee for reasons that would violate public policy". Safety would be part of public policy. Amazon is complying with federal guidelines on worker policy, so Amazon is covered. It doesn't prevent the employees from whining wanting more, but employees always want more.

Let me give you a easier example. A snowstorm hits and the roads are both icy, snowy, and (some) unplowed. The governor has declared a state of emergency. An employee doesn't want to come in because driving is dangerous. Does the employee have cause to sue if the employer fires them for not coming in? No. (I had to fight this one a few years ago, I felt bad for the person, but it had to be done).

The point is "safety" is relative. A job is not absolutely guaranteed against all possible safety hazards. However employers are required to provide *reasonable* protection against known safety hazards.

Comment Bray is wrong, Protesters should be fired (Score 0, Troll) 225

What do you call a worker that should be working but isn't. An ex-employee.

This is true of any organization and any employee. In fact a business can terminate you for any non-protected reason (cannot terminate on race, gender, sexual orientation...). In the same manner, an employee can decide to quit a business at any time for any reason, with or without notice.

Bray decided to quit. That is his right and solely up to him to make that decision. In the same manner Amazon decided to fire protesters. Like or not Amazon also has that right and it is solely up to them to make that decision.

Amazon protesters are wanting it both ways. I don't want to work, but also want to get paid. That isn't how the real world works.

Comment Proof (Score 3, Insightful) 97

It's sad how convenient you forget the blatant racism in the Democrat party

SICKENING: Louis Farrakhan Says ‘I’m Not An Anti-Semite, I’m ANTI -TERMITE’, Jews Are Stupid

How about Al Sharpton?

Whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton has referred to members of the Jewish faith as ‘white interlopers’ and ‘diamond merchants’;

Whereas the Reverend Al Sharpton was found guilty of defamation by a jury in a New York court arising from the false accusation that former Assistant District Attorney Steven Pagones, who is white, raped and assaulted a fifteen year-old black girl;

You thought we woud forget?

Comment How many children will you trade? (Score 1) 97

I understand you need privacy so that you can leak classified info to the press, and read you Washington Post, and that this privacy is so important? But in the name of that privacy, how many children will you trade to be sexually exploited, tortured, and killed for that privacy? If your answer is zeri, then why are you debating this?

Comment And the solution is...? (Score -1, Troll) 71

Look, radical environmentalists have taken away our disposable drinking straws, our large serve sodas, and our plastic grocery bags in many places. Wind turbines kill 250,000 birds a year, and solar arrays in California are literally setting flying birds on fire. Radical environmentalists are moving to outlaw cars, and already in certain areas of some cities it is illegal to drive you car. Now they want to take away your ability to buy soda, fruit juice, tea, and water. Sorry, you can't put those into paper packaging.

Someday, environmentalists are going to learn that crying "Wolf!!" over and over again will eventually either cause people to either stop listening, or become anti-environmentalist.

Comment Politicians (AOC) say world is going to end (Score 1, Troll) 281

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) based on scientific studies (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) says that the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't completely fix climate change, regardless of the cost. That's right, the world is going to end, not life will be much more difficult, not loss of habitable land, the world is literally going to end. No more Earth. Ended. Poof.

Scientists are in a competition on how scary and overblown and outrageous they can make a claim for. These claims hurt their cause because it is so unbelievable. At best they the message is ignored, at worst people stop paying attention and cease making personal changes that might help the planet in a tiny way (like me TBH).

Let's do a short tally of what these environmentalists want us to do... No more cars, no more planes (except for the environmentalists, they can still fly private planes), no more meat. Don't worry. Environmentalists want you to eat bugs instead. Maggots, cockroaches, worms. Seriously.

Now two more scientists are screaming the sky is falling. Pardon me while I yawn.

If you down-vote me because you don't agree with me, rather than the accuracy of the content, you are the problem.

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