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Journal Journal: 4 tips you need to stay employed

Who I am--developer/architect..did the dot/com, did the successful Hardware company, currently working for a huge health care company writing educational software--though I must admit once a week I get asked to change the printer toner. I usually respond with "No Hablo Anglais!"

1) Be able to DEMONSTRATE that you can build industrial strength software.

User Journal

Journal Journal: How corrupt is SlashDot 1

When I was working for a PDA company (call us Lamp), I had the opportunity to go to our big user/developer conference in 2000. One of the fascinating things there was to see how much a certain other competing company (call them Costformi) felt threatened by Lamp then. Lamp has gone on to become mostly irrelevant as a player in the consumer electronic space, but in 2000 things looked bright.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Windows passwords ROCK and Cnet are running stories about how vulnerable windows passwords are. I hope this will end the incessant "windows is as secure as every other OS" nonsense. I especially find this amusing considering the earlier article on
The Internet

Journal Journal: stupid Nimbda!

A caveat -- I am a developer, not an admin, so my feeble attempts at doing admin things are admittedly pathetic, and probably should not be copied by anyone

I have a fairly typical set up at home: 233pII running rh7.3 in front of my hub, and a buncha machines behind it, including my web server. I got tired of looking in my log files and seeing

"GET /MSADC/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0"

User Journal

Journal Journal:

import java.util.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public class AccessMonitor {
User Journal

Journal Journal: Huge web email hole

So the other day my friend's band was looking through the logs from their newsletters, and lo and behold they saw that one referring URL was from iwon. On a lark, they plugged the URL into the browser, and BOOM they suddenly had full access to the sender's email account.

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The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
