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Comment Re:Dirty Laundry (Score 2) 266

I believe this move will only further damage the Vatican's reputation.

Anyone who hasn't already kicked them to the curb, after what we know about endemic child molestation and the hierarchy's attempts to cover it up and limit liability, isn't going to be fazed in the least by this.

Comment Re:Gnome 1 rocks (Score 1) 181

I'm on GNOME 2 (Ubuntu 10.x), but I still use Sawfish and Balsa, and I used Galeon until a few years ago when Firefox's plugins finally caught it up (and passed it) in terms of desirable features.

I've upgraded Ubuntu to 12.x LTS on two laptops. One one I installed Mate and got things more or less working like I've had for a decade or more, though I'm not 100% happy with it. On the other the upgrade hosed itself, and I'm going to have to do a complete reinstall. For these reasons I haven't upgraded my main desktop machines at home and work, much as I'd like to get access to Steam.

Comment Re:As someone who uses GNOME 3... (Score 1) 181

Well for one thing what the article is about, the fact that the desktop is extensible with Javascript. We now have something for the GUI that can play a similar roleto shell scripts for the command line.

That was in GNOME 1's default WM, Sawfish.

One reason I dread system upgrades is that every change to GNOME makes it harder to get my old hypercustomized desktop back.

Comment Re:Pot, quit calling that kettle b**** (Score 1) 1448

The crazy comes as a package deal, you don't get to pick and chose from God's Law

This is going to cause a lot of societal stress over the next few decades.

If your religion's foundational documents contain a story that's in conflict with what we know about biology and cosmology, and you don't want to reject evidence-based knowledge in favor of religious tradition, you can dismiss the story as poetry intended to credit it all to God.

But if your religion's foundational documents state flat out that homosexuality is a 'sin', and science shows that it's a biological outcome no different from (say) being left handed, that's a lot harder to dismiss. Plus, clinging to it makes you condemn a whole class of people to hell for their biology.

From a sociological perspective, this is going to be very interesting to watch.

Comment Re:Not to worry... (Score 1) 490

Why would a Democrat postpone ObamaCare?

To implement a sensible single payer system?

There's the problem. The semi-sensible plan was eviscerated to get it past the Republicans and Blue Dogs in the relevant committees... who turned around and voted against it even after wringing all the concessions.

The problem, of course, is that a good system would handicap all the scalpers profiting off your misery right now. And when the scalpers trade shares on Wall Street, cutting them out of the loop isn't allowed.

In the USA there is a common view that personal and public health and wellbeing are a personal problem, but the financial wellbeing of rich people and corporations is something the government must protect.

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