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Comment Too Bad (Score 1) 189

Covid taught us we dont need to go into an office. People can zone out in in-person meetings too, i've seen it happen. My team hasnt been any more or less productive since working from home. Get over it, companies. This is the new norm. My company announced a hybrid option to working. You can choose to come in or not, and virtual meetings are the priority. Had they made us come back in, I would be looking for another (remote) job right now.

Comment No way I'm running this (Score 1) 27

My alienware recently had a touchpad failure due to a bulging battery pushing on it. Before sending parts, the support rep insisted on running touchpad diagnostics. When he tried to connect, he sounded appalled that I had uninstalled support assist. I installed it so he could connect. He insisted I keep it on, and I said I would be removing it when this is over. He was irritated and insisted I keep it on. Lol, why would anyone keep this type of thing installed?

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 257

That's horrible advice. Marriage is a covenant before God. Nothing except infidelity breaks that covenant. Love is a choice. A choice you make before getting married. Everyone has disagreements, and people often don't "feel loving" but that's no reason to break a covenant and mature people should work through problems.

Comment Re: explain (Score 0) 584

I actually don't even like Trump. I'm just commenting on how he is being treated unfairly, and people like you are attributing motive to him without any sound basis just because YOU don't like him. I'm not even a conservative, I'm a libertarian. I could care less if you people mod me down. clearly the smart thinkers that used to frequent Slashdot are now long gone.

Comment Re:The Verge (Score 3, Informative) 168

Don't forget about the horrible PC building video that was factually incorrect, and where the host did literally everything wrong in building that PC. Then, had a parody video's channel taken down for "infringement" and then pulled the video accusing people of bullying the host and making racist remarks which didn't happen.

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