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Comment So easy to make money from all those suckers (Score 1) 298

Once everybody and their dog joins the market because they dream of getting rich it is almost trivial to make money because the process is always the same. First you heat up their dreams and make money from the rise, then you start selling off and make money from going short once the panic sets in.

Comment Throw it away, it is not very useful (Score 1) 236

The scientific benefit is tiny in comparison to the money invested. I would support not only using that money for other things, but explicitly using it for non-human space exploration which is scientifically much more interesting and returns a lot more results and insights for the money.
For most scientifically interesting tasks, humans are a very expensive liability. There is nearly no point of sending them into orbit and almost no point to sending them anywhere else in space.

So yes, throw it away or sell it to some billionaire who needs to compensate something.

Comment Does Wayland support remote windows, vnc etc? (Score 2, Informative) 120

What I love about X is the flexibility one gets, which is unparalleled by any other system: I can easily start a window of an application running on another host on my machine, works fine if I am logged into that other machine using ssh. I can tunnel a whole session through sse usinv VNC and use the remote desktop directly on my local one. It supports mutliple monitors spanning one desktop or several desktop on several monitors.
Does Wayland support these things too?

Comment The usual puritan "child protection" (Score 1) 197

Will prevent everyone to spot a naked female nipple, but just do an image search for "beheadings", "execution" or "crucifiction" and you well get graphic pictures of extreme torture.
Yeah, the word "homosexual" is censored, but it is no problem to look at a picture showing Nazi soldiers executing people in a concentration camp.
This is obscene and disgusting, not nipples or "bad words", motherfuckers.

Comment Re:"Improved user-experience"? (Score 1) 170

The "support" currently in Gnome3 is ridiculous: you can scale your fonts, but all the window decorations, panel icons etc remain tiny, no matter how you scale that. And you can scale windows by integer numbers which means you end up with window decorations being too tiny or too large because what you really would need is 1.45.
On top of that, none of this happens automatically, your have to use the gnome-tweak-tool to fiddle with it.

I do not know if you have actually tried to use Gnome3 on a HiDPI laptop, it simply is a terrible experience. Granted, not all of it is due to Gnome3, since the underlying abstraction model is totally broken and individual apps, including Java apps, are still doing their thing based on physical pixels.
It is breath-taking that such a basic aspect of interacting with an OS is still broken so badly in the year 2015 (and I hear it is nearly equally broken in Windows).

Cinnamon does a much better job about handling HiDPI right out of the box at the moment.

I have to admit I do not know how Wayland is going to address this issue, if it helps to solve the current situation I am all for it.

But that was not even my major point: what really annoys me about Gnome3 is the way how they without any apparent need took away ways of interaction, ways to configure and personalize, ways of how to get work done efficiently from their users and forced their one golden path to happiness on everyone.
As if people would be using Linux because they love others to limit their options and make decisions about how to do their work for them!

Comment To be fair ... (Score 1) 170

Unity is an abomination several orders of magnitude worse than Gnome3. On the other hand Cinnamon is the only one among all of them that can handle HiDPI correctly, unfortunately it frequently locks up and has a ton of other problems.
Hipster designers and self-declared usability experts are everywhere and they have ruined many a good project.

Comment I mainly agree ... (Score 1) 170

but the problem is that for some reason the only real effort and money goes into shit projects like Gnome3 or Unity.
Tiny projects like Cinnamon or Mate do a much better job but necessarily have more problems because only a fraction of work goes into them.
For example, Cinnamon is currently the only desktop manager that can really deal with HiDPI on Linux. Everything else is still an abomination.

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