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Comment Then don't take it (Score 2) 90

If you would rather continue to experience metal decline while waiting for additional studies, then do so. I'd rather have the choice available. It's not like your insurance companies is lining up to write checks for a treatment that doesn't work or doctors are waiting around for some snake oil to fool their patients. If they are, then we have bigger problems than the FDA giving conditional approval of a product pending an additional study.

Comment Re: Wait wait wait. (Score 1) 62

You can also forgive someone for something they did and regret doing. At least that used to be possible.

You can also grow a thicker skin and realize that maybe you are the dumb ass and someone pointing that out is doing you a favor.

You can also choose to leave that job and allow someone else to get that pay check.

Comment Sarc? New Speak? I can't tell anymore. (Score 1) 127

Plannet Parenthood ~ love their nachos. Oh, wait, different place. So because they do other stuff that is good you are saying they should get a pass on something some people think is horrific? We'll come back to that.

maching in the streets and storming state capitols ~ if they drove to the capital or took the bus, that would be okay? That's a very small, albeit disturbed, group. I doubt many of them are reading posts on slashdot. Mobs in general are a problem and mob rule is something I oppose from both sides.

claim their religion ~ but don't churches also do good things? We're giving Plannet Parenthood a free pass for providing readily available services, but not churches which fill in a lot of gaps that no other institutions are filling all because they believe in something you don't? Maybe read the Bill of Rights, once.

blowjob from someone ~ and lying about it, and being her boss, and that weird thing he did with a cigar, yikes! I didn't click on the revere as a god link. Looks a bit sus to me. I don't drink the kool-aid that is passed around by both sides. I'm actually glad he is out and really wish he'd be gone for good. That applies equally for Clinton or Trump. They both did some good and they both did some bad things.

an adulterer on his third marriage, who had numerous affairs ~ as opposed to the spouse of a serial adulterer who stood by them and gave them cover? I don't know, can I not like either of them?

Comment Agmatine for long term opioid use (Score 2) 140

If you have chronic pain, Agmatine will reset the opioid pain receptors. Ketamine does the same thing but Agmatine is an amino acid and not dangerous, as far as I know. There was an FDA press release last year about it and they recommend it for people using opioid for chronic pain. Of course, where pain is concerned, YMMV.

There used to be a little device that would shock your ear, and that also works surprisingly well for chronic pain. But then the company that made them got sued and that's why we cant have nice things.

Comment Re:Israel, (Score 1) 117

So many false statements in such a small amount of words. Palestine? Was that a region on the British map that was drawn after WWI?

After getting invaded multiple times, having a buffer zone makes a lot of sense. The only thing that Israel did wrong was keep the refugees on their side of the border. They should have moved them to the Sinai or given them parts of Syria after the Yom Kippur invasion.

Comment Cause we don't tax wealth (Score 5, Insightful) 222

His secretary has an income, a really big income. Warren makes $1 a year, and that's only when he feels like making any money. He has access to wealth and he can use that wealth to borrow money. He pays a small interest rate on that borrowed money (a lot less than taxes), and his income is hidden by the loan.

He doesn't talk about this. He talks about raising INCOME taxes for the wealthy, knowing that it will not affect him one bit. But for some reason, he gets a free pass and no fact checkers, no reporters and certainly no one on the left ever mentions these things.

Comment Takes bad things to produce solar panels (Score 1) 68

We should stop immediately according to your twisted logic.

But you got your dig into the US and that will get you an insightful every day of the week on this site. At least we stopped practicing slavery. It still exists in lots of places around the world and in others they have systems in place to keep the peasants down forever (vive la revolucion!).

Comment Political Cherry Picking (Score 0, Troll) 168

The number is actually quite a bit bigger but this study only focused on right wing and conservative pages. Disinformation is a fact on both sides of the spectrum.

Claiming an election was stolen goes back to Sore Loserman and the hanging chads in Florida, at least. Probably goes back to Jefferson (Washington was universally acclaimed).

How about big lies like Ferguson 'Hands up don't shoot' or Breonna Taylor 'Asleep on a couch'? Both of those are provable lies and yet neighborhoods burned and further violence resulted from them.

Really glad we have a 1st amendment. Unfortunately, there are too many who would disagree.

Comment When California burns next summer (Score -1, Troll) 363

Who will you blame? Oh, right, no one cause your kind of guy is charge.

I'll take a week of cold over rolling blackouts every summer, power at 5x the price and wildfires from sparking electrical lines every year. Except this was a one off event and according to the Church of Hot Air, shouldn't have happened anyways.

Comment Kuiper belt (Score 1) 259

More resources out there than on the Earth and it's already in space. You would think we would see some mining/collecting going on before they decided to come here. Of course they may just nudge something our way ala Lucifer's Hammer before even thinking of visiting.

Would it surprise me that humanity is the galactic equivalent of a first post and likely just as stupid and irrelevant, not even a little, but so far we're the only game in town.

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