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Comment Re:Support costs (Score 1) 152

This server and its software has likely been off of normal support for a long time. The remaining choice left to the House is to sign up for 'extended support' with IBM, which is their high-rate time-and-materials gouge. I know first-hand from working with them recently that IBM will NOT bend on supportability; at IBM, renewable support contracts are not just their bread and butter; it's the whole damn sandwich. Or the House could have contracted with a 3rd party support vendor, cut their bill by 60% or more, and taken their chances.

Comment Re:Anyone remember Cubby v. CompuServe? (Score 1) 224

Cserve had a lot of firsts... the Human Sexuality forum was one... HSX-200, not that I'd know, *cough*... but most were computer-related, like the hubbub about copyrighting a file type (.GIF, where they'd licensed the Sperry LZW code to compress the image data better than .RLE or .MAC files) or online new content, like the local paper (Columbus Dispatch). Needed online weather radar graphics in 1987? Cserve had them (as did a few other places, Weather Underground maybe).

As I've lived in the same area as Cserve for 25 years, it is easy to look back and see the boom and bust cycle in play... the 7-story office building they built by the highway, which (since the sale to AOL) has had 4 or 5 names on it by now, most of them failed names (MCI, Worldcom, etc). The old HQ on Henderson Road, one would never assume driving past it that it was anything important; low-slung building filled with data center and a few offices. The last person I ran into from there, maybe 3 or 4 years ago, said it was a skeleton crew doing little more than keeping the lights on.

But that is the way of companies; they come and go. Sooner or later, Yahoo and Google will suffer the same fate.


Comment Define health care (Score 1) 294

The article seems to define health care as what some of us would call 'direct patient care'... but doctors and hospitals are only part of the big health-care money pie. There are the companies that manufacture the drugs and medical products, and those (like the one I work for) which distribute them. Getting everything from stents to splints distributed to your local doctor, hospital and pharmacy (much of which is ordered electronically) takes a huge amount of IT capacity. Patient records will catch up eventually, but anybody who has worked in an office over the last 20 years and heard "next year, we're going to buy document imaging and scan it all into the system", knows to take that with a big grain of salt... believe it when, and not before, you see it.

Comment Re:Cleveland has its advantages (Score 1) 538

commute: yeah no kidding, isn't 71 or 490 built with something like 5 lanes on each side now in the metro area? Makes it easy to get away from Downtown after a Tribe game.

These 'quality-of-life' articles come and go like event calendars in the local paper's entertainment section. Nothing to fill column inches? Let's crap on markets where we won't lose anybody. Meanwhile, run a complementary piece about 'where the jobs are', and cover all the target markets. Philadelphia? A sh*thole, but we need that sh*thole, so put it in our top 10 places to be. Avg $51k for an IT specialist in Philly? Hah, the average is better here in Columbus, and possibly Cleveland too, since they didn't see fit to cite the average salary in the 'worst' article. No point in going on. The whole thing's just a troll.

Comment Big market bias (Score 3, Interesting) 538

Top 10 list of "where the IT jobs are at": all big ad market cities. You can't pay me enough to move to Chicago, EVER, much less for a job, but it's on the CIO darling list.

Bottom 7 list: small/mid-market and rust belt cities. Way to dig deep, CIO.

Sure, Cleveland has it down side, but compared to the 'top 10 cities for IT jobs' that they also have a slideshow for, the place is WAY cheaper to live in, and if you're smart you're not living in the city anyway, when a nice clean house in the nice clean burbs is dirt cheap. Plus if you get overworked and have a heart attack, head over to the Cleveland Clinic; they'll patch you up real good.

So people from SoCal, how's LA to work IT in, what with the crappy traffic and screwy government?

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