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Submission + - Why no machine readable rights data in RSS?

ajdub writes: "Once upon a time RSS was built for syndicating news stories. Maybe some of that goes on today, but as far as I know people mostly just use it for aggregating news feeds in a personal reader. (or enabling others to do so) Recently I came across the situation where Deb Ng of writersrow.com got upset because her content was syndicated when she intended for it to be personally aggregated.

XML is a format for machine data exchange. If RSS is a syndication standard, why does it not include machine readable metadata that indicates whether or not public content syndication (public reproduction) is permitted by the author? Sure, it could be quite the rabbit hole trying to create an XML specification for IP rights (actually that could be quite a fun interdisciplinary project). But it seems to me that a simple in the XML standard would suffice... (Ok that's ugly, but you get the point.)"

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