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Comment That stuff was before Islam (Score 1) 156

The Arabs were busy unlocking scientific secrets and storing up knowledge during that time out of necessity -- it's not a forgiving land. It has limited resources, and if you aren't smart about managing it, you die. Generations of resource scarcity meant that their culture stressed history. The first written languages came from the same region. Moving from a barter economy to a cash economy also came from there.

Seems to me all that happened before Islam. Islam seems to have put the brakes on mid-east progress.

Comment Because PC buyers have no choice (Score 2) 285

Most places that sell PCs only sell Win8. If you can get Win7 at all, you have to pay a premium for it.

Also, people figure "I might as well buy it now, since I am going to be forced to use it anyway."

People are *not* buying Win8 because they like it. If people had a choice, they would stay with win7, or XP.

Comment Just stop going to movie theaters (Score 1) 924

That is what I do, and for just the reasons this article mentions.

Prices are too high, most movies are not very good, and then I have to listen to some asshole run his mouth through the entire thing.

I would rather wait a few months, and watch the movie on pay-per-view, or something.

Home theaters are good, and affordable. I can stop the movie when I like. I do not have to pay $15 for popcorn and soda.

I used to go to movies all the time, but not anymore.

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