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Comment Re:But that's not the real problem. (Score 1) 1651

"The difference between Dutch drivers' awareness of cyclists and foreigners is immense, not because they are better drivers, but because they're so used to bikes"

That is not the main reason, the real reason is that drivers know they are the ones to blame in the case of an accident between cars and cyclists. Cyclists are known for their bad, unpredictable, reckless driving. Since the cyclist is the weaker (both physical and psychological (due to a much younger age and no requirement of a license)) participant lawmakers decided to reverse the burden of proof, if a car hits a cyclist the car is always to blame.

Comment Re:In coming calls are free in India. (Score 1) 177

This is how telcos in my small EU country make money:
+charge caller x/s + y setup (hard to calculate since most mobile users have bundles)
-pay the receiving telco z/s (regulated at something like: 0.00027 EUR/s fixed dest., 0.00075 EUR/s mobile dest.)
+if destination is 0800/0900 get an additional kickback fee per call from that telco
-costs of running/maintaining/replacing/expanding network

Someone has to pay for the virtual circuit to the receiver, why should it be me? If I have to call anyone it is their fault for not having a more modern method to communicate, they should at least pay some of the burden!

Comment Re:I would like an Android phone -- without the ph (Score 1) 257

1-Turn on airplane mode.
2-Turn on wireless.
3-Take a look at the phone status

But it depends on the reason behind not wanting a cellphone radio in the first place. My guess it the radio will be on by default on a cold boot and you need to turn it of, maybe you could remove any RIL stuff from your ROM (rooted or custom ROMs). But when I go to places I don't want the radio enabled I do the above and tell Tasker to do this for me at boot just in case it restarts/reboots.

Comment Re:Sounds lke the same thing as Google (Score 2) 198

-you opt to install/use chrome, it doesn't come standard. I presume people read the EULA if they install software! Same goes for Firefox BTW.
-Google collects info on what you download from the Google store. Flip the checkbox to install from other sources, Google doesn't get that info. So not exactly the same as all downloads are send to OS manufacturer.

Comment Re:Not too sure on this (Score -1) 345

You have something to hide? You must be a terrorist. But think about the monies you can save, what better incentive is there people?

Luckily most will participate to earn a few bucks, making them drive safer and as a net effect the road a safer place to be?

But really, what privacy concern is there in acceleration data?

Comment Re:Not too sure on this (Score 1) 345


Indeed sometimes. That sometimes you have to act will show abnormal in the data. If that sometimes becomes often and thus a pattern, either change your route (or timing) to a safer one or be come a better driver by anticipating more if you thing those anomalies in the data weren't your fault in the first place.

Comment Re:When Domination Isn't (Score 1) 738

I didn't to have the Ericsson/HTC problems you describe. I used my T39 till the battery went dead (about 5 years), it was a useful phone.

I used my HTC G1/Dream 2 years until it ran out of memory, it was a greate phone till it couldn't keep up with the new Android releases memory requirements. You could upgrade (CM) but low memory resulted in swapping which killed the battery in a day.

Switched to a HTC G2/Desire Z, which got a recent bugfixes. The battery is a bit disappointing though, 1.5 years in service it started to lose charge, but replacing it with an unofficial 1800mAh and I can go without charging for 2 days easily. Haven't heard any of the other $Desire users complain so far.

But I'm not sure if the next phone will be a HTC, it seems they will not be making ones with keyboards. Motorola maybe, but the G2 will be running for at least a year with current Android version. Haven't felt the need to upgrade to a 4.x release so far, 384Mb might not be enough to keep a comfortable charged battery.

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