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Comment Re:No thank you (Score 1) 86

Not sure why you are comparing traditional tiles to shingles. Tiles have a much longer lifespan than shingles as a roofing material. For comparison, Tesla tiles only come with a 10 year warranty, but what are you going to do when the electronics fail?

Comment Re: China internet strategy (Score 1) 146

There is ample capacity with the rural population and automation to continue industrial growth domestically for the foreseeable future. There is close to zero appetite to off-shore those activities. There is a focus of moving up the value chain, but that doesn't mean off-shoring everything that's not high value. For manufacturers moving away from China , that's another matter, mainly to do with market forces, fear of IP theft and increasingly political considerations.

Comment Re:China internet strategy (Score 2) 146

>I think Xi very much wants to send manufacturing out to the rest of third world while increasing domestic consumption and information / knowledge work at home - and the scope/standard of the welfare state along with it.

Why do you think that? China has a population of over 1.4 billion, and only a small proportion of that have living standards comparable to advanced economies. Further industralisation is imperative for them to continue growth so it make no sense to want to off-shore that generally. Only the most undesirable industries with the highest environmental and social cost would be on the list to off-shore.

Comment Re:Yep that is the point of big government. (Score 5, Insightful) 71

>Remove regulations and you unshackle companies, letting them actually compete and letting small companies naturally come to take over larger ossified ones.

Regulations are a tool to achieve policy. They can be used to entrench incumbents, but it can also be used to disrupt them and protect consumers. Thinking that all regulation is bad is one of the major problems in our free and democratic society. Things are so simplistic and treating them as such makes the voting public easy to manipulate.

Comment Re: They'll catch up (Score 2) 95

>Limitations on individual rights in some EU nations have expanded to become limitations on individual rights in all EU nations.

This statement is completely contrary to how EU law works. EU directives start at the EU level and are transposed into national legislation. regulation have direct effect. There is no ability, from being in the EU, for civil rights restrictions in one member state to affect another member state. There is simply no legal basis for this. It has to be done on an EU level.

Comment Re: Chinese (Score 1) 56

Sony has had BatteryCare since forever. Does the same thing, but better, as it fully charges to 100% when you disconnect the phone in the morning. The phone can adjust to your schedule automatically, or you can set it manually now too.

Warp charge kills the battery by charging your battery at more than 2C, so they should do more to decrease battery degradation, not the bare minimum of a charging cap.

Comment Re: Missing the Poynt (Score 1) 83

Bridwatch is just garbage-in garbage-out. It just so happens the majority of contributors agrees with what your viewpoint here. It doesn't reflect whether it is in fact true.

And to you other point, removing the media gatekeepers doesn't mean it's replaces with a better system. In fact it being replaced with a much worse system as we have seen in the past decade or so.

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