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Submission + - Robots join search for Amelia Earhart's lost plane (

raque writes: "Following up on an earlier story.
A group of aviation archaeologists will use underwater robots along with submersibles and sonar to search for Amelia Earhart's plane. The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery will search this July for the aircraft, which went down 75 years ago. "If there's wreckage there that can be recovered, we need to know what it is, how big it is, what it looks like, and what it's made of so we can prepare a recovery expedition that has equipment to raise whatever's there," said Richard Gillespie, the group's executive director.
Also explained are how this is being paid for and what FedEx did to help."

Comment Re:That pay is just for the first few months (Score 1) 654

A quick google shows fast food starting pay is right around $8/hour, retail at $9/hour, so I'm having trouble generating any outrage over Apple paying $12/hour.

To misquote Shaw "If you put an American worker on a spit you can always find another who will turn him"

Now I know why Apple and others pay what they do. The bright souls on Slashdot are engaged in a race to the bottom instead of helping each other.

Comment Re:That pay is just for the first few months (Score 1) 654

Young black men are unemployed largely because the only jobs they can get don't pay enough to make it worth working.

That's an interesting opinion which I doubt has any basis in reality. As a counterexample, apparently, there's a lot of people hired into the drug trade at below federal minimum wage. There might be other perks such as sex or drugs, but it remains that a lot of people are working illegally (in more than one sense of the word) for much less than any "living wage" would be. So they're already working at the so-called "don't pay enough to make it worth working" level.

Are we legitimizing criminal activity here? A lot of working off the books is done so people can keep their Medicaid while trying to approach a living wage.

Comment What if they wanted to start an argument? (Score 1) 404

Looking at the video and some of the responses I just keep thinking that if they just wanted to start a buzz they succeeded. If you want someone to notice something they have to notice it. It is now noticed. Exactly what it says is nowhere near as important as imbedding the idea in the mind. Time and again it has been shown that annoying ads work as well as pleasant ones.

They have linked the two ideas: Girls, and sexy girls at that, and Science, and cut through and differentiated the issue. We are arguing a very different issue then we were yesterday. That is a good thing.


Submission + - Apple's Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay (

raque writes: "The NYTimes is reporting on just how badly Apple Retail employees are being paid. Apple is exploiting it's fan base for cheep labor. This is one reason I don't go to Apple Stores if I can avoid it. Stores like NY's Tekserve offer a great shopping experience without so exploiting their workers"
The Internet

Submission + - Sociologists Rule Wikipedia a "War Zone" not a collaborative Project ( 1

horselight writes: "A new study by sociologists studying social networking have determined that Wikipedia is not an intellectual project based on mutual collaboration, but a war zone. The study finds that although the content does end up being accurate as a rule, it's anything but neutral or unbiased. The study includes extensive data on access and editing patterns of users related to major events, such as the death of Michael Jackson and the edit storms that ensued."

Submission + - Android 4.0 Tablet Selling Under £100 in UK (

YokimaSun writes: Today Android News has posted details of the first 10inch Android Tablet running 4.0 of Googles OS in the UK for less than £100. With a Vimicro 1.2GHz Frequency processor , 4G NandFlash HDD , 1GB DDR3 RAM & 2D/3D Graphics Hardware Acceleration it may not be a genuine rival for the iPad but at a quarter of the price of an iPad 2 would you consider it?

Submission + - How Abused is the Term "Green Economy"? (

arisvega writes: Quite a lot, if one believes this this (oddly enough) non-paywalled Nature magazine article. Added to the dissapointing, non-binding outcome of the Rio+20 (the United Nations' Conference on Sustainable Development) is a dispute with the so-called Developing Countries, since they do not acknowledge the calling for a transition to a "Green Economy". Instead, they consider "Green Economy"-proposed restrictions as inhibitors for development prospects and business opportunities.

Bolivian President Evo Morales voiced those concerns by stating that this presented "Green Economy" model is a merely a modern form of Colonialism, employed by countries from the "wealthy North" with the goal to establish footholds for intervention mechanisms (IMF, anyone?). Then, they can interfere with and manipulate other Countries' National and Large-scale Planning affairs by invoking environmental concerns as an excuse.

The Bolivian President also called out to the African countries to "protect their natural wealth against multinational corporations", at a time almost five years later back from when the "Chinese Invasion" in Africa was news.

Since there have been stories on Slashdot considering the environmentally ethical face of production, consumption and technology, I thought this will make an interesting topic for discussion


Submission + - Prof crowdfunds the creation of a free college textbook (

farrellj writes: College professor Dr. Brendan Myers is crowdfunding the creation of a free textbook on critical thinking for the class he teaches. He is not impressed with the cost of college textbooks.

“Two years ago, a few students in my class told me they didn’t buy the textbook for my critical thinking class,” said Brendan Myers, a philosophy professor at Gatineau’s Heritage College CEGEP, “because they had to choose between the book and eating that month.”

His Kickstarter campaign has been remarkably successful so far, who would have thought such a text would be so popular! There is a huge potential for this type of initiative in creating free text books by crowdfunding their initial production. The academic textbook market is a closed one, and attempts like this and others discussed here on Slashdot can dramatically reduce the high cost of college texts.

Submission + - How Madefire is changing the visual grammar of comics (

waderoush writes: "When you read a comic book or graphic novel on your tablet device, you're usually looking at a static reproduction of a print page, not a 'born digital' creation with serious interactivity. Madefire, a new startup in Emeryville, CA, is working to change that with the release today of its new iPad reader and comic-book authoring tool. Featuring seven original titles at launch — including one from Watchmen creator Dave Gibbons — the Madefire platform largely abandons traditional panel layouts in favor of 'sequences' in which the action progresses through the addition of image layers, as well as sound effects and music. 'We want to make people look at the fabric of storytelling—left to right, top to bottom—and break that fabric,' says Madefire founder Ben Wolstenholme. The company is also avoiding well-known superhero titles in favor of new characters and storylines. 'This century needs its new creations and its new myths and legacies,' says chief creative officer Liam Sharp, a veteran of X-Men, Spider-Man, Spawn, and other well-known traditional series."

Comment Re:Nothing. (Score 1) 400

When I saw primary phone I said IOS, but it's not my primary phone! My land line is! WOW, thanks for helping me think again. I feel so much more connected not my reality now. Which is so pathetic, because it's true.

Comment Google is doing a good thing - mostly (Score 4, Interesting) 69

We can argue the details of security from now to doomsday. It's a good thing that Google is doing this. Except it's of limited value. As has been pointed out in reference to the Flame attack, State sponsored hacking is very hard to detect. Google might be able to detect some, but how many? And when does Google encounter a conflict of interest? What happens then, and will we know? This is one reason I like the existence of things like Bing and Yahoo Axis, I get to spread things around. No, it's not a cure all and I'm aware that I still can be tracked, but I am raising the price (effort, etc) needed to get things on me.

We're back to the price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance. Some things don't change in the digital world. Politics didn't, Sex did. Go figure.

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