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Comment Re: No such thing as 'vaccination' (Score 2) 287

I'm feeding a troll here, but you know that the earliest "vaccine" for smallpox was.... smallpox. The fatality rate for that method, called variolation, was on the order of 1-2% and there are records of intentional smallpox infection to induce immunity going back to at least 1500. The first real vaccine was infection by cowpox and was introduced in 1796. I imagine your dates are a bit cherry picked, but the Jenner vaccine wouldn't have reached places like India and China immediately so I suspect they still used variolation at least for a while. A 2% death rate if enough people were "vaccinated" that way would drive up the death toll for that crappy vaccine but is still better than something like 35% death rates for natural infections.

Comment Re: Don't need it for just-in-case (Score 1) 287

Different viruses have different mutation rates. The major cause of that difference between influenza and smallpox is that one uses DNA and one uses RNA. RNA viruses are very sloppy copiers while DNA viruses like smallpox are much more consistent. If you look at the history of smallpox vaccination it mutates so slowly that over centuries the same vaccination methods, like accidental exposure to cow pox, are still effective.

That doesn't mean that there's no utility in keeping samples, but there's so little use in keeping them for vaccine development. If the strain mutated to the point that the old vaccine was useless you'd want samples of the new strain to develop the new vaccine. The old strain might be useful as a comparison, but probably for its genetic sequence that we have digitally stored anyway.

Comment Re:What makes people think the government is so sm (Score 2) 345

I don't know that they're fundamentally different on wanting to bypass encryption, but I do think that people who appear to believe:

the Government is a bunch of bumbling idiots where the free market can outperform it hands down, yet they also expect it able to perform things such as conspiracies where thousands of people are involved

tend to be Republicans. Actually they may identify as Libertarians, but probably not as Democrats who traditionally want to expand government reach to help some societal group. Not saying they even CAN help, but that's the reasoning. Of course, the politics surrounding fear of extremists tends to blur the lines quite hard. I think I'm in more danger of drowning in a bathtub that dying in a terrorist action but essentially no one worries about the death trap lurking in every bathroom.

Comment Re:Worth it. (Score 2) 482

I didn't see anything where it said the maximum salary would be $70k, just that the CEO was dropping his own to $70k. I've known a few businesses where a particularly valuable employee made more than the CEO/owner since the CEO/owner made money off stock or was already wealthy enough that the salary just didn't mean much to their overall numbers.

Comment Re:From another article... (Score 1) 341

Remember it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be better than the bottom 50% of drivers.

That's great for the bottom 50% of drivers. No so great for those of us who've been driving for decades and never caused an accident.

Why would I want to travel in a self-driving car that drives worse than I do?

I and 80% of the other drivers on the road agree completely.

Comment Re:Just 2 models of Audi? (Score 1) 61

Ok, replying to myself because I realized that if you wanted to be even more specific you should probably know who has the disposable income AND how much time they spend on the highway. It sounds like this thing isn't made for stop-and-go traffic, although the summary could be misleading me (because why would I RTFA?). I would expect the buyers to be early adopter types who want the newest gadget, spend significant time in a highway environment, and have $10k to throw at the problem. That's seems like a profitable, but not terribly plentiful group especially if the buyers consider the liability questions at this point.

Comment Re:Just 2 models of Audi? (Score 2) 61

The specificity is odd, but I think you need to take the disposable income of the people who own the cars into account as well. A higher percentage of Audi drivers than Corolla drivers will shell out for this system. Depending on the difference in percentage it might still make sense to pick the Corolla but the math isn't quite as simple as car counting.

Comment Re:Trust networks can fix this (Score 1) 120

God this sounds familiar..... and that's because I wrote a PhD thesis about building a system to do something a lot like this. It involved a fairly mediocre web interface wrapping a database of trust relationships specified by end users. A trusts B for 0.7 and B trusts C for 0.6 then you can put together a trust level between A and C by multiplying those together with some user-tweakable distance dropoff. Those trust levels were then measured against the levels required for access to shared data. Maybe you would allow anyone with a 0.7 or higher to read a given document and a 0.9 or higher to contribute to it. It was an interesting idea, but man did I get tired of it by the end. If for some bizarre reason anyone wants to read bits of it google books has some indexed and I probably have a pdf laying around somewhere....

I figured it could be quite useful, but I was so fed up with the work in mid-2007 that I never looked back at it.

Comment Pretty sure you can't block them all (Score 2) 445

Lasers are light, not magic. If you block the laser beam you block its frequency (color) of light. If you block all the possible laser frequencies I'm pretty sure the cockpit isn't going to be nearly as transparent, which is kind of the point of the cockpit. Raising the awareness that this is stupid and dangerous is a perfectly reasonable way to address the problem. A conviction shouldn't ruin someone's life forever but it sure as hell should make them and anyone that hears about it not want to do this.

Comment Re:Efficiency. (Score 1) 937

I completely agree that making a driverless car better than all drivers is near impossible, but making it better than the person on the cell phone who just pulled out of the McDonald's drive-through isn't a high a bar. I wish I could remember where I saw the statistic, but a large percentage of accidents are caused by a smallish percentage of drivers. Lets just get better than them and we'll be better off.

As for your examples, keep in mind that the reaction time of the computer vs you can make up for a lot of missing information. The computer may not be able to read the body language of the people on the corner, but it can react in a fraction of the time you would take and track more targets. I watched a friend hit a deer while he was watching the a different deer to make sure it didn't bound into traffic. Something with more independent "eyes" wouldn't have faced the same problem.

Comment Re:Is code all there is? (Score 1) 394

As a programmer I spoke from that perspective but code is certainly not all there is in many projects.

Geeks do tend to be too cute about names and I find that to be asinine, but that's up to the project owner. Most of the time the open source project I may pull in is not user-visible so the name is a lot less important.

As for the installing/configuring, I've hit good and bad on both the open and non-open sides. The open source side tends toward the hobbyist so it may be worse in this respect for a randomly selected project. For many of projects on Linux the package maintainer, whether it be for apt or yum or some other system, often takes care of a lot of the that particular ugliness. I have a far simpler time installing a working web server with [insert backend language here] and [sql backend] using open source tools on Linux than I do on Windows. In many cases its little more than one command "apt-get install X Y X" where it goes out and finds everything, confirms I really want this, and does all the work for me.

I'm not convinced that commercial apps I've used are not just as graphically ugly as many of the open source ones, but then again most of the projects I deal with are libraries so I have less emphasis on the graphical elements. From the big companies, like MS, Apple, or Google, yes the graphical polish will be nicer, but at least many open source projects can get someone to make english sentences in user-visible dialogs unlike my "Smart TV" manufacturer (panasonic).

As for documentation, in the open source world it sometimes does not exist and that is a *major* issue for those projects. In the close source world it make exist more often but can also be completely unusable. I'm not sure which is worse in the end. With one I know from the get-go that I'm on my own or that I have to use community resources. With the other I may struggle with it for a long time before I figure out that I should just ignore the docs and look at what the damn library is actually doing.... but I usually can't.

When it comes to testing I've had poorly tested from each side and no chance of fixing one but some change of fixing the other. There's shit on both sides of the fence.

I'd like to come back to my original point that financial incentives are not the only incentives. I spoke of code because I write code, not because it is the only important thing. It's the thing I can speak of from personal experience. I would argue that other types of work that are done because someone wants to impress others, wants to scratch their own itch, or just wants to help a good cause are often done better than tasks done strictly for pay. Hopefully we all have jobs doing what we love, but when that isn't the case there's a great chance that you do something better in your off time because you really give a shit about it.

Was there a good reason to structure your post as a series of snide questions and a flippant remark?

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