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Comment Bad habit. (Score 2) 421

The problem depicted in this post is that some people consider having so many channels like a need.

Netflix OR HBO OR [put any other service here] has plenty of content by itself, especially in the US.
As a bonus some of these services do not infect your mind with advertising (one could consider this an aggression)

There is not enough time on a day to watch everything except of course if one has nothing better to do all day.

Comment Yawm. (Score 1) 249

This is nothing special.

Call us again when it reaches high velocity (somebody said 1220kph / 760mph ?).

Then call us when somebody breaks the vacuum while the vehicle moves at that speed so we see how safe it is. (Preferably from a distance, while an internal camera films dummies turning to mush)

After that lt's see where it goes.

Comment Re: Obvious solution: (Score -1, Offtopic) 120

Who would be stupid enough to form a political-oriented group in a company ?
It's bound to bring tensions. It's counter-productive, It hurts the job.

It's even more true for an obtuse group defending the right to have powerful weapons freely available for all (or in a big picture point of view: the right to kill relatives, oneself, or fellow students by firearms). I find Jeffries gives a very good, and sarcastic, view on the subject.

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