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Comment Re:That was true YEARS ago (Score 4, Interesting) 73

I wish I had mod points, I would mod you up.

> Every time you change things, you lose productivity if you don't retrain your staff on it.

In the last 15 years, I have never seen a company retrain their staff for new technology. They simply throw it out there, send out a memo about how great it is, and move on. They expect everyone to figure it out on their own.

Comment Followers I get but retweet accounts? (Score 1) 66

What is the point of the retweet account? I have seen lots of them that just take something someone posts and retweets it. Heck there is a service I use to manage multiple social network accounts and it has a plugin that allows me to set up an account that does nothing but retweet what I post. I just dont see the need for it.

Comment Re:The fate of all monopolies (Score 5, Insightful) 392

Na, the previous CEO's were innovators.

The current CEO is an MBA.

Put an MBA in charge of a company and they simply chase the next big thing instead of innovating and creating the next big thing.

They do this because they are not innovators and creators, they are simply followers and maintainers.

It seems to be the plight of large companies to not want to take the risk of hiring an innovator. So they look for someone who "knows how to run a business." They get what the look for, stagnation.

Comment Re: In other news... water is wet! (Score 1) 229

That article does not show 1% anywhere in it.


To introduce the otolaryngology community to the current state of research regarding electronic cigarettes, with special attention paid to mechanism, impact on health and addiction, and use in smoking cessation.

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